Hi Roland!

On So, 26 Okt 2014, Roland Eggner wrote:

> When options breakindent, wrap and vartabstop are used all together,
> there are erroneous indentation offsets of continuation lines, as if
> breakindentopt=shift:N would specify nonzero values of N depending on
> number of tab characters at start of line, even if vartabstop is set
> to a single number, e.g. “set vartabstop=4”.

Is there a simple way to reproduce the issue? Sounds like we should add 
a test for that.

> Otherwise the patch works for me as advertised.
> Many thanks to Christian and all the other contributors for this
> patch, vartabstop is a very useful feature!

Thanks for contributing.

For now I have updated your version of the patch at the usual place 

Macht den Reichtum billiger!

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