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On 31-Oct-2014 12:42 +0100, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Zyx wrote:
>> On October 29, 2014 10:54:38 PM EAT, Bram Moolenaar
>> <b...@moolenaar.net> wrote:
>>> Christian wrote:
>>>> On Di, 28 Okt 2014, Ingo Karkat wrote:
>>>>> Well, then perhaps a separate :bvimgrep[add] set of
>>>>> commands would
>>> be
>>>>> better than overloading the existing commands:
>>>>> :bvimgrep[!] /{pattern}/[g][j] [bufname] :N,Mbvimgrep[!]
>>>>> /{pattern}/[g][j] :bvimgrep[!] /{pattern}/[g][j] N1 N2 ...
>>>> Sounds useful. Bram, would you consider including this
>>>> feature, if I write a patch for that?
>>> I think it can be done with a bit of Vim script, but it might
>>> be generally useful, thus nice to work without installing a
>>> plugin.
>>> It could also be a solution for something that doesn't work
>>> yet: Search within a Visual block.  Since this is going to be a
>>> new command, we can make :'<,'> respect the Visual mode,
>>> including block.  So you could select a block and type
>>> ":bvimgrep /pattern/", then move to matches with :cn.
>>> I think we can actually call it ":bgrep".  It's very unlikely
>>> 'grepprg' is useful to search in buffers and it's shorter to
>>> type.
>> No. It is useful if you use something like ag (aka the silver 
>> searcher), because VimL regexes lack full Unicode support. Also
>> naming command like "bgrep" in place of "bvimgrep" is
>> inconsistent.
> How would an external command access text in a buffer?  Would have
> to write them into a file.
> If regex is incomplete we could perhaps fix that.

I would also prefer :bvimgrep for consistency and to signify the
regexp dialect being used; it could be abbreviated as :bv. This keeps
the option of later implementing :bgrep that indeed writes the buffer
to a temp file (if necessary), and runs 'grepprg' over it. (Though the
biggest downside of :vimgrep for me isn't in the regexp dialect, but
its slowness due to loading all files into Vim, something that isn't
an issue when going over Vim's (already loaded) buffers.)

- -- regards, ingo
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