I tried to be as clear as possible, but I am realizing that I was not clear enough, sorry about that.
I talked about text window, not GUI window.
For example, if I issue the ":split file" command, the window area is split, this doesn't affect the GUI window. At least I think so. I am using gvim. I am trying to make it accessible, or better said, usable with screen reader, NVDA in my case. I am communicating with gvim through its OLE interface. I can use information which eval can provide, but it is not enough for proper usability. I had some success, but I need to handle a situation when several windows are on the screen. Again, when text area is split to several windows. I don't care about GUI window, it is simulating the console. I am only interested in text area. I need to identify text window dimensions. So for example, if only one window is displayed, it starts on (1, 1) and has a width of 80 and height of 25. Also it has a number 1. But what if I split the text area say to 4 windows? How can I algorithmically determine window positions? Hopefully I explained what I need. And if I am stupid and I overlooked something obvious, then sorry again.

Dňa 18. 12. 2014 o 17:19 toothpik napísal(a):
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 11:18:28AM +0100, Lubos Pintes wrote:
We have functions winwidth(winnr) and winheight(winnr).
I thing that winleft(winnr) and wintop(winnr), are missing. Perhaps
I greatly overlooked something, I don't know how to determine where
the window with concrete winnr starts.
Any help how to determine window coordinates greatly appreciated.

if you know all those win_ functions I'm surprised you don't also know
about the winpos command -- without arguments it tells you the current
(gui) window position -- with x and y arguments it will position the
window for you


     :h winpos

for the gory details

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