On 16/01/2015 10:19 p.m., Ken Takata wrote:
> Hi Cesar,
> 2015/1/16 Fri 23:56:08 UTC+9 Cesar wrote:
>> By compiling vim with DIRECTX=yes on Windows 7 with MinGW I get:
>> ----------
>> [...]
>> gcc -c -Iproto -DWIN32 ... gui_dwrite.cpp -o gobjZi386/gui_dwrite.o
>> gui_dwrite.cpp:21:20: fatal error: crtdbg.h: No such file or directory
>> compilation terminated.
>> make: *** [gobjZi386/gui_dwrite.o] Error 1
>> Error by compiling gvim.exe
> You should use MinGW-w64 instead of MinGW.
> MinGW doesn't have header files for DirectWrite.
> Regards,
> Ken Takata

Thanks Ken, now it works.



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