Hi all,

when the lazyredraw option is set I've been observing a bizarre behavior which 
I'm not sure whether is a bug or not.

Say I'm editing the following python script:

def f1():

def f2():


And I've defined the following function and map:

function! Make(makeprg, errorformat)
  let &l:makeprg = a:makeprg
  let &l:errorformat = a:errorformat
  silent make

map <buffer> <silent> <Leader>mp
    \ :call Make("python %", '  File "%f"\, line %l%.%#')<CR>
    \ :clast<CR>:cprev<CR>

If I press <Leader>mp once the error window is opened and the last error (out 
of three in the backtrace) with a filename in it is highlighted as expected. If 
I press <Leader>mp again then the first and last errors with a filename are 
highlighted at the same time (see attached screenshot). This seems a problem in 
redrawing, and indeed redraw! removes the double highlighting.

Now, maybe this is expected when lazyredraw is on:

[...] Also when halfway a mapping and 'lazyredraw' is set.

Although I'm not halfway a mapping. So maybe not.

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