I think it would be great if the Zsh options would be in the zsh syntax file,
which would also allow for them to be used through syntaxcomplete#Complete.

I am attaching a patch for this, but am unsure if it's good as it is:
1. it should be linked to something else than Keyword maybe/probably, and/or
use different colors?!

2. it would be nice if it was only matched after "setopt" (but then also with
"no" prefix, and multiple times - e.g. "setopt localoptions noaliases").

The list was generated using Zsh 5.0.7-dev-1.

(I've tried to reach the maintainer directly about 3 weeks ago, but have not
received a reply.)



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 runtime/syntax/zsh.vim | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+)

diff --git i/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim w/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim
index 79fd017..a3cbf03 100644
--- i/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim
+++ w/runtime/syntax/zsh.vim
@@ -120,6 +120,61 @@ syn keyword zshCommands         alias autoload bg bindkey break bye cap cd
                                 \ whence where which zcompile zformat zftp zle
                                 \ zmodload zparseopts zprof zpty zregexparse
                                 \ zsocket zstyle ztcp
+" Options, generated by: echo ${(j:\n:)options[(I)*]} | sort
+syn keyword zshOptions          aliases allexport alwayslastprompt alwaystoend
+                                \ appendhistory autocd autocontinue autolist
+                                \ automenu autonamedirs autoparamkeys
+                                \ autoparamslash autopushd autoremoveslash
+                                \ autoresume badpattern banghist bareglobqual
+                                \ bashautolist bashrematch beep bgnice braceccl
+                                \ braceexpand bsdecho caseglob casematch cbases
+                                \ cdablevars chasedots chaselinks checkjobs
+                                \ clobber combiningchars completealiases
+                                \ completeinword continueonerror correct
+                                \ correctall cprecedences cshjunkiehistory
+                                \ cshjunkieloops cshjunkiequotes cshnullcmd
+                                \ cshnullglob debugbeforecmd dotglob dvorak
+                                \ emacs equals errexit errreturn evallineno
+                                \ exec extendedglob extendedhistory flowcontrol
+                                \ forcefloat functionargzero glob globalexport
+                                \ globalrcs globassign globcomplete globdots
+                                \ globsubst hashall hashcmds hashdirs
+                                \ hashexecutablesonly hashlistall
+                                \ histallowclobber histappend histbeep
+                                \ histexpand histexpiredupsfirst histfcntllock
+                                \ histfindnodups histignorealldups
+                                \ histignoredups histignorespace histlexwords
+                                \ histnofunctions histnostore histreduceblanks
+                                \ histsavebycopy histsavenodups
+                                \ histsubstpattern histverify hup ignorebraces
+                                \ ignoreclosebraces ignoreeof incappendhistory
+                                \ incappendhistorytime interactive
+                                \ interactivecomments ksharrays kshautoload
+                                \ kshglob kshoptionprint kshtypeset
+                                \ kshzerosubscript listambiguous listbeep
+                                \ listpacked listrowsfirst listtypes localloops
+                                \ localoptions localpatterns localtraps log
+                                \ login longlistjobs magicequalsubst mailwarn
+                                \ mailwarning markdirs menucomplete monitor
+                                \ multibyte multifuncdef multios nomatch notify
+                                \ nullglob numericglobsort octalzeroes onecmd
+                                \ overstrike pathdirs pathscript physical
+                                \ pipefail posixaliases posixargzero
+                                \ posixbuiltins posixcd posixidentifiers
+                                \ posixjobs posixstrings posixtraps
+                                \ printeightbit printexitvalue privileged
+                                \ promptbang promptcr promptpercent promptsp
+                                \ promptsubst promptvars pushdignoredups
+                                \ pushdminus pushdsilent pushdtohome
+                                \ rcexpandparam rcquotes rcs recexact
+                                \ rematchpcre restricted rmstarsilent
+                                \ rmstarwait sharehistory shfileexpansion
+                                \ shglob shinstdin shnullcmd shoptionletters
+                                \ shortloops shwordsplit singlecommand
+                                \ singlelinezle sourcetrace stdin
+                                \ sunkeyboardhack trackall transientrprompt
+                                \ trapsasync typesetsilent unset verbose vi
+                                \ warncreateglobal xtrace zle
 syn keyword zshTypes            float integer local typeset declare
@@ -199,6 +254,7 @@ else
   hi def link zshDeref          None
 hi def link zshCommands         Keyword
+hi def link zshOptions          Keyword
 hi def link zshTypes            Type
 hi def link zshSwitches         Special
 hi def link zshNumber           Number

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