Christian Brabandt wrote:
>  Am 2015-04-20 18:28, schrieb Charles Campbell:
>> I've attached a small tarball illustrating the problem I'm having with
>> expand().
>> gunzip jose.tar.gz
>> tar xf jose.tar
>> cd josé
>> vi junk.vim
>> :so %
>> :echo x[4]
>> :echo y[4]
>> With the first echo, you'll see (using utf-8 for encoding)  <e9>.  This
>> is the hex code for a é.  The second echo shows <c3>.
>> :echo x
>> shows /jos<e9>/junk.vim
>> :echo y
>> shows /josé/junk.vim
>> This problem has some definitely unwanted effects.  At least one person
>> redid their home directory's name to avoid the accent, because netrw
>> won't display it correctly (or use it correctly) because of this bug.
> That is an encoding issue. The 'é' in your tar archive is latin1 encoded
> while your Vim tries to read it as utf-8. BTW: How does the shell
> display it? Somehow the shell should know the encoding, so you might
> check the output of the locale command and try to use iconv() like this:
> iconv(expand("%:p"), 'latin1', 'utf-8')
> BTW: There is a patch in the todo list, that should fix that issue.
> Search for 'systemencoding'
Hello, Christian:

Sorry for taking awhile to reply to this.  Looks like you're quite right
-- it was an encoding issue.   When I make a "josé" directory using
utf-8 it does show up with netrw correctly (with which I'm using utf-8).

Chip Campbell

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