On 22-Jun-15, Pavel Samarkin wrote:
> Hi,
> Issue: Vim adds EOL to the end of each text file
> Although my change might seem controversial, it looks like a lot of people
> (including myself) really want it, especially when using Vim on non-Unix
> systems (e.g. Windows).
> You can notice it here:
>   http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Preserve_missing_end-of-line_at_end_of_text_files
>   http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=4550
> and in several questions on stackoverflow:
>   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050640
>   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4133501
>   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14171254
>   http://askubuntu.com/questions/13317
> The solution suggested in Vim FAQ (5.4)
>   http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/vimfaq.html
> includes some side-effects like inability to use 'expandtab', 'textwidth' and
> some other options (incl. Unicode BOM).
> My proposed change introduces the new option called 'respecteol' (that's the
> best name I could come up with) which affects the EOL at the end of file the
> same way as the 'binary' option does, while not changing any other aspects.

I think this is one way to do this.

However, I believe the final EOL in a file should be made visible and

Consider this:

        file A                      file B

    ,-------------------.       ,-------------------.
    |...                |       |...                |
    |Last line          |       |Last line          |
    |~                  |       |                   |   <-- lookie here
    |~                  |       |~                  |
    `-------------------´       `-------------------´

      ends on 'Last line'         ends on an empty line

If vim had a mode where it *never* adds a newline on the last line when
writing a file, then vim would write file A without a final EOL, and
file B with a final EOL, and no other differences.

And when vim is in that mode, when reading a file, vim would make it
show up like file A when the file has no newline at the end, and like
file B when it has a newline at the end.

This way, it becomes clearly visible in the editor what the file
contains, and the user can change it too.

If you want to prevent that for a certain filetype the file contains an
EOL at the end, you can either highlight this as an error to the user:

    :call matchadd('ErrorMsg', '^\%$')

or automatically remove that line with a BufWritePre autocommand:

    :augroup CProj
    :autocmd BufWritePre *.cproj     if &addeol == 0 | /^\%$/d | endif
    :augroup END

    (assuming the option controlling this mode is called 'addeol')

or both.

Of course, the option could also be set depending on filetype:

    :augroup MyFiletype
    :autocmd FileType cproj     set noaddeol
    :augroup END

When the 'addeol' option is turned off ('noaddeol'), if the 'eol' option
is set, an empty line is appended to the buffer.  When 'addeol' is
turned on, and the buffer ends in an empty line, that empty line is
removed and the 'eol' option is set, or otherwise 'eol' is cleared

Of course, if 'addeol' is off ('noaddeol') when a file is read, then
'eol' is always cleared.

Writing a file when 'binary' is set must ignore 'eol' when 'addeol' is
off -- the EOL is already in the buffer, no need to add another one
('eol' should be off for 'noaddeol', it is bogus anyway).

It think it should be fairly easy to implement an option like 'addeol'
in vim.

What do you think?

Olaf Dabrunz (oda <at> fctrace.org)

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