Jean-François Bignolles wrote:
> Hello,
> Using different languages, I remarked that the "Todo" system (highlighting
> of special words inside comments) was currently a bit chaotic: some keywords
> are highlighted for one syntax, but not for an another one.
> (I won't talk here of syntax files which doesn't support this at all, syntax
> files which have special needs, i.e. "syntax match" / "syntax region", etc.)
> Out of curiosity, I searched all the (uniques) lists of "Todo" keywords;
> currently there are about 40 (!) different variants:
> <snip>

OK -- assume that the user doesn't like the current list of Todo
keywords provided by c.vim; s/he wants LOOKATTHIS instead.  It isn't
that hard:

syn clear cTodo
syn keyword cTodo contained LOOKATTHIS

Place into .vim/after/syntax/c.vim

Chip Campbell

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