Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 6:10:24 AM UTC-5, Josh G wrote:
>> I keep getting crashes now when opening large file (4GB, 9GB).
>> here was the last crash message details:
>> Problem signature:
>>   Problem Event Name:        APPCRASH
>>   Application Name:  gvim.exe
>>   Application Version:
> The most recent Vim version is now 7.4.861. There have been multiple crash 
> fixes in the nearly 600 updates that have occurred since your version was 
> created. You might have better luck with the latest version. No guarantees, 
> though.
You might find the LargeFile.vim plugin of assistance in dealing with
large files, at least insofar as vim sluggishness is concerned.  You can
get it from

Chip Campbell

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