Aaron Goshine wrote:
> fchdir() to previous dir
> |Error detected while processing function
> <SNR>19_LocalBrowse[30]..netrw#LocalBrowseCheck[21]..<SNR>28_NetrwBrowse[233]..<SNR>28_PerformListing[220]..<SNR>28_NetrwOptionRestore:
> line 86:
> |
It'd help me to help you if you used the latest release of netrw
(http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#NETRW).  In the case
above with my copy of netrw.vim, line 86 is an endif -- which isn't
likely to be the issue.  Suggestions...

 * what were you doing to evoke this problem?  Try to come up with a
reproducible example.  Perhaps you can do something in vim's source
directory.  Please be explicit in your directions so I can try to
reproduce the issue.
 * what netrw-specific settings do you use, if any?  Which o/s?
 * does the problem happen when you use the netrw.vimrc file I've
attached?  (use  vim  -u netrw.vimrc --noplugins)
 * fchdir() -- is that a python thing?  What, exactly, does it do?
 * see  :help netrw-debug

Chip Campbell

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" start vim with:  vim -u netrw.vimrc --noplugins
set nocp
so $HOME/.vim/plugin/netrwPlugin.vim

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