Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Right, the name is not ideal, but I could not think of a better one. I
> would also use "bundle" instead of package or pack, but plugin
> managers already use it and there could be a conflict. I hope that the
> new mechanism doesn't break existing behavior. Nikolay, you had quite
> a few comments on other solutions, let us know if you see something
> wrong with how packages and :loadplugin work. I hope the new mechanism
> can be used by plugin managers and make their work a bit easier. But
> they will also want to work with older Vim versions, might take a while. 
Alternate name: loadtrove

A trove is a collection of objects (ex. I found a trove of old baseball

I'm not sure its a better one or not -- I'll let y'all ruminate on it.


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