Manuel Ortega wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 10:28 PM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
> > On Wednesday, March 23, 2016 at 6:21:21 PM UTC-5, Manuel Ortega wrote:
> > > > That reminds me of something else. Why isn't 'modified' set when you
> > change cryptmethod or the encryption password?
> > >
> > >
> > > Isn't it because the *buffer* hasn't changed?  IIUC, in the latter case
> > the *file* changes, not the buffer.  In the former case neither has
> > changed, so for sure 'modified' should not be set.
> >
> > If you change any of 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'bomb', or 'nofixeol'
> > then the buffer doesn't change either, only the file. 'cryptmethod' is the
> > oddball here.
> >
> I knew about the first two, but the last two are *really* surprising.  They
> aren't mentioned at ":help 'mod'", nor are they mentioned at their own
> respective ":help"s.  (Bram, if this is the intended behavior, it should
> probably be documented at least at :h 'mod', and probably :h 'bomb' and :h
> 'fixeol'.)

I'll add a remark.

> > I view the 'modified' flag as saying "if you save this buffer then the
> > file will change".
> If that's what it means, the docs need to be fixed.

No, that's not really what it means.

> > I got caught once while I was testing something where I had the wrong
> > password because I had quit Vim after changing the password, but I hadn't
> > saved yet. Vim let me do that without any complaint, because the buffer
> > wasn't modified.
> Changing 'cryptmethod' should ONLY result in a setting of &mod if &key is
> set to something.  If I haven't turned encryption on, so to speak, then
> setting &cm to "blowfish2" shouldn't set the modified flag.  (For under
> this circumstance, the file will not change even if the buffer is saved).

Although there is something to say for it, changing this behavior
probably causes more confusion than it solves.  Especially if someone
changes the key then then does "ZZ", expecting the file NOT to be

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
113. You are asked about a bus schedule, you wonder if it is 16 or 32 bits.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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