
I have been trying to run a job asynchronously and capture the output, but 
despite reading the docs many times I can't get it to work.

Ideally I want all the diff output in one go, rather than line by line, so I 
first tried using only an on_exit callback:

    let cmd = 'diff A B'
    let job = job_start(cmd, {'exit_cb': 'MyExitHandler'})

And then:

    function! MyExitHandler(job, exit_status)
      let data = ch_read(a:job)
      echom data

I would expect the handler to be called just about immediately but nothing 
happens.  After 30s of waiting I get bored and move the cursor (if I'm in 
normal mode) / press <Escape> (if I'm in insert mode), at which point "E906: 
not an open channel" is echoed.

>From this I deduce that the handler isn't called when the job exits, but 
>instead some time later as and when vim checks up on the job.

So I tried using an on_stdout callback as well:

    let job = job_start(cmd, {'on_stdout': 'MyOutHandler', 'exit_cb': 

And also:

    function! MyOutHandler(channel, message)
      echom a:message

This handler gets called just about immediately, as expected, but a:message is 
always 'DETACH', not the diff output.  And then a few seconds later the exit 
handler echoes its E906 error.

Please could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I'm using Vim v7.4.1770.

Many thanks in advance,

Andrew Stewart

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