skywind wrote:

> Since redirecting the job output to quickfix, I need quickfix window
> can scroll to the last line when a new text line added to quickfix. 
> So I can always see the latest output of a long time running job in
> realtime.
> Previously I used `clast` after `caddexpr` in the job callback to
> scroll quickfix but it alway open the last error in the new tab.
> Is there a way I can just only scroll quickfix without open the last error ?

You can use
        {jump back to original window}

Note that recent changes were made to avoid updating the screen each
time, because it was slow.  These commands will make it slow again.
You could use a timer to postpone the scrolling or only update once in
so many times.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
56. You leave the modem speaker on after connecting because you think it
    sounds like the ocean wind...the perfect soundtrack for "surfing the net".

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