Hi Bram,

2016/6/19 Sun 5:02:42 UTC+9 Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Patch 7.4.1944
> Problem:    Win32: Cannot compile with XPM feature using VC2015
> Solution:   Add XPM libraries compiled with VC2015, and enable to build
>             gvim.exe which supports XPM using VC2015. (Ken Takata)
> Files:      src/Make_mvc.mak, src/xpm/x64/lib-vc14/libXpm.lib,
>             src/xpm/x86/lib-vc14/libXpm.lib

Thank you for merging this.
FYI, I used Taro's Win32 port to build these libraries:

Maybe it's better to mention about this in src/xpm/README.txt?

> If you want to build XPM library by yourself, you may want to use the
> following Win32 port:
> https://github.com/koron/libXpm-win32

Ken Takata

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