
> I'm not sure if that can be made to work.  CTRL-Break sometimes behaves
> strange.
> On Unix you would use "kill" to stop the process.  On MS-Windows you can
> use the task manager for this, right?
> In general I don't mind the flickering, it's feedback that something is
> happening.  (I liked to hear my harddisk rattling, to know how busy it
> is, SSDs broke that.  I liked to hear my modem produce noise, so that I
> knew what was going over the line. Now I have fiber...).

Yes, ctrl_break is not important, we can stop process by `kill` or `task 

I like the modem noise in the old days too, but these feedbacks are sound 
feedback, not graphics feedbacks. 

We can see windows users asking for help to hide the cmd window, they need to 
focus on editing, and solutions are everywhere including patch of os_win32.c, 
python/perl script to emulate unix `system()` experience for vim. But none of 
these are perfect (depend on python or need modify official source code).

Can we get the ability to choose what ever we like ?
Could windows gvim users have an option to enable SW_HIDE in `system()` ?

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