Patch 7.4.2175
Problem:    Insufficient testing of cscope.
Solution:   Add more tests. (Dominique Pelle)
Files:      src/testdir/test_cscope.vim

*** ../vim-7.4.2174/src/testdir/test_cscope.vim 2016-08-05 21:25:26.050376229 
--- src/testdir/test_cscope.vim 2016-08-07 13:59:50.063337679 +0200
*** 4,35 ****
- func Test_cscopequickfix()
-   set cscopequickfix=s-,g-,d+,c-,t+,e-,f0,i-,a-
-   call assert_equal('s-,g-,d+,c-,t+,e-,f0,i-,a-', &cscopequickfix)
-   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=x-', 'E474:')
-   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=s', 'E474:')
-   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=s7', 'E474:')
-   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=s-a', 'E474:')
- endfunc
  func CscopeSetupOrClean(setup)
      if a:setup
        noa sp ../memfile_test.c
        saveas! Xmemfile_test.c
        call system('cscope -bk -fXcscope.out Xmemfile_test.c')
        cscope add Xcscope.out
        set cscopequickfix=s-,g-,d-,c-,t-,e-,f-,i-,a-
        cscope kill -1
!       for file in ['Xcscope.out', 'Xmemfile_test.c']
            call delete(file)
!       endfor
! func Test_cscope1()
      call CscopeSetupOrClean(1)
      " Test 0: E568: duplicate cscope database not added
--- 4,26 ----
  func CscopeSetupOrClean(setup)
      if a:setup
        noa sp ../memfile_test.c
        saveas! Xmemfile_test.c
        call system('cscope -bk -fXcscope.out Xmemfile_test.c')
+       call system('cscope -bk -fXcscope2.out Xmemfile_test.c')
        cscope add Xcscope.out
        set cscopequickfix=s-,g-,d-,c-,t-,e-,f-,i-,a-
        cscope kill -1
!       for file in ['Xcscope.out', 'Xcscope2.out', 'Xmemfile_test.c']
            call delete(file)
!       endfo
! func Test_cscopeWithCscopeConnections()
      call CscopeSetupOrClean(1)
      " Test 0: E568: duplicate cscope database not added
*** 39,141 ****
        call assert_true(0)
      call assert_fails('cscope add Xcscope.out', 'E568')
      call assert_fails('cscope add doesnotexist.out', 'E563')
!     call assert_fails('cscope kill 2', 'E261')
      " Test 1: Find this C-Symbol
!     let a=execute('cscope find s main')
!     " Test 1.1 test where it moves the cursor
!     call assert_equal('main(void)', getline('.'))
!     " Test 1.2 test the output of the :cs command
!     call assert_match('\n(1 of 1): <<main>> main(void )', a)
      " Test 2: Find this definition
!     cscope find g test_mf_hash
!     call assert_equal(['', '/*', ' * Test mf_hash_*() functions.', ' */', '   
 static void', 'test_mf_hash(void)', '{'], getline(line('.')-5, line('.')+1))
      " Test 3: Find functions called by this function
!     let a=execute('cscope find d test_mf_hash')
!     call assert_match('\n(1 of 42): <<mf_hash_init>> mf_hash_init(&ht);', a)
!     call assert_equal('    mf_hash_init(&ht);', getline('.'))
      " Test 4: Find functions calling this function
!     let a=execute('cscope find c test_mf_hash')
!     call assert_match('\n(1 of 1): <<main>> test_mf_hash();', a)
!     call assert_equal('    test_mf_hash();', getline('.'))
      " Test 5: Find this text string
!     let a=execute('cscope find t Bram')
!     call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<<unknown>>>  \* VIM - Vi IMproved^Iby Bram 
Moolenaar', a)
!     call assert_equal(' * VIM - Vi IMproved   by Bram Moolenaar', 
      " Test 6: Find this egrep pattern
      " test all matches returned by cscope
!     let a=execute('cscope find e ^\#includ.')
      call assert_match('\n(1 of 3): <<<unknown>>> #include <assert.h>', a)
      call assert_equal('#include <assert.h>', getline('.'))
!     cnext
      call assert_equal('#include "main.c"', getline('.'))
!     cnext
      call assert_equal('#include "memfile.c"', getline('.'))
!     call assert_fails('cnext', 'E553')
!     " Test 7: Find this file
!     enew
!     let a=execute('cscope find f Xmemfile_test.c')
!     call assert_match('\n"Xmemfile_test.c" 143L, 3137C', a)
!     call assert_equal('Xmemfile_test.c', @%)
!     " Test 8: Find files #including this file
!     enew
!     let a=execute('cscope find i assert.h')
!     call assert_equal(['','"Xmemfile_test.c" 143L, 3137C','(1 of 1): 
<<global>> #include <assert.h>'], split(a, '\n', 1))
!     call assert_equal('#include <assert.h>', getline('.'))
!     " Test 9: Invalid find command
!     call assert_fails('cs find x', 'E560')
!     " Test 10: Find places where this symbol is assigned a value
      " this needs a cscope >= 15.8
      " unfortunately, Travis has cscope version 15.7
      let cscope_version=systemlist('cscope --version')[0]
      let cs_version=str2float(matchstr(cscope_version, '\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?'))
      if cs_version >= 15.8
!       let a=execute('cscope find a item')
!       call assert_equal(['', '(1 of 4): <<test_mf_hash>> item = 
(mf_hashitem_T *)lalloc_clear(sizeof(mf_hashtab_T), FALSE);'], split(a, '\n', 
!       call assert_equal('     item = (mf_hashitem_T 
*)lalloc_clear(sizeof(mf_hashtab_T), FALSE);', getline('.'))
!       cnext
!       call assert_equal('     item = mf_hash_find(&ht, key);', getline('.'))
!       cnext
!       call assert_equal('         item = mf_hash_find(&ht, key);', 
!       cnext
!       call assert_equal('     item = mf_hash_find(&ht, key);', getline('.'))
!     " Test 11: leading whitespace is not removed for cscope find text
      let a=execute('cscope find t     test_mf_hash')
      call assert_equal(['', '(1 of 1): <<<unknown>>>     test_mf_hash();'], 
split(a, '\n', 1))
      call assert_equal('    test_mf_hash();', getline('.'))
!     " Test 12: cscope help
!     let a=execute('cscope help')
!     call assert_match('^cscope commands:\n', a)
!     call assert_match('\nadd  :', a)
!     call assert_match('\nfind :', a)
!     call assert_match('\nhelp : Show this message', a)
!     call assert_match('\nkill : Kill a connection', a)
!     call assert_match('\nreset: Reinit all connections', a)
!     call assert_match('\nshow : Show connections', a)
!     " Test 13: reset connections
      let a=execute('cscope reset')
      call assert_match('\nAdded cscope database.*Xcscope.out (#0)', a)
      call assert_match('\nAll cscope databases reset', a)
!     " Test 14: cscope show
      let a=execute('cscope show')
      call assert_match('\n 0 \d\+.*Xcscope.out\s*<none>', a)
!     " Test 15: cstag and 'csto' option
      set csto=0
      let a=execute('cstag TEST_COUNT')
      call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<TEST_COUNT>> #define TEST_COUNT 50000', a)
--- 30,170 ----
        call assert_true(0)
+     call assert_fails('cscope add', 'E560')
      call assert_fails('cscope add Xcscope.out', 'E568')
      call assert_fails('cscope add doesnotexist.out', 'E563')
      " Test 1: Find this C-Symbol
!     for cmd in ['cs find s main', 'cs find 0 main']
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       " Test 1.1 test where it moves the cursor
!       call assert_equal('main(void)', getline('.'))
!       " Test 1.2 test the output of the :cs command
!       call assert_match('\n(1 of 1): <<main>> main(void )', a)
!     endfor
      " Test 2: Find this definition
!     for cmd in ['cs find g test_mf_hash', 'cs find 1 test_mf_hash']
!       exe cmd
!       call assert_equal(['', '/*', ' * Test mf_hash_*() functions.', ' */', ' 
   static void', 'test_mf_hash(void)', '{'], getline(line('.')-5, line('.')+1))
!     endfor
      " Test 3: Find functions called by this function
!     for cmd in ['cs find d test_mf_hash', 'cs find 2 test_mf_hash']
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       call assert_match('\n(1 of 42): <<mf_hash_init>> mf_hash_init(&ht);', a)
!       call assert_equal('    mf_hash_init(&ht);', getline('.'))
!     endfor
      " Test 4: Find functions calling this function
!     for cmd in ['cs find c test_mf_hash', 'cs find 3 test_mf_hash']
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       call assert_match('\n(1 of 1): <<main>> test_mf_hash();', a)
!       call assert_equal('    test_mf_hash();', getline('.'))
!     endfor
      " Test 5: Find this text string
!     for cmd in ['cs find t Bram', 'cs find 4 Bram']
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<<unknown>>>  \* VIM - Vi IMproved^Iby 
Bram Moolenaar', a)
!       call assert_equal(' * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar', 
!     endfor
      " Test 6: Find this egrep pattern
      " test all matches returned by cscope
!     for cmd in ['cs find e ^\#includ.', 'cs find 6 ^\#includ.']
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       call assert_match('\n(1 of 3): <<<unknown>>> #include <assert.h>', a)
!       call assert_equal('#include <assert.h>', getline('.'))
!       cnext
!       call assert_equal('#include "main.c"', getline('.'))
!       cnext
!       call assert_equal('#include "memfile.c"', getline('.'))
!       call assert_fails('cnext', 'E553:')
!     endfor
!     " Test 7: Find the same egrep pattern using lcscope this time.
!     let a=execute('lcs find e ^\#includ.')
      call assert_match('\n(1 of 3): <<<unknown>>> #include <assert.h>', a)
      call assert_equal('#include <assert.h>', getline('.'))
!     lnext
      call assert_equal('#include "main.c"', getline('.'))
!     lnext
      call assert_equal('#include "memfile.c"', getline('.'))
!     call assert_fails('lnext', 'E553:')
!     " Test 8: Find this file
!     for cmd in ['cs find f Xmemfile_test.c', 'cs find 7 Xmemfile_test.c']
!       enew
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       call assert_match('\n"Xmemfile_test.c" 143L, 3137C', a)
!       call assert_equal('Xmemfile_test.c', @%)
!     endfor
!     " Test 9: Find files #including this file
!     for cmd in ['cs find i assert.h', 'cs find 8 assert.h']
!       enew
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       call assert_equal(['','"Xmemfile_test.c" 143L, 3137C','(1 of 1): 
<<global>> #include <assert.h>'], split(a, '\n', 1))
!       call assert_equal('#include <assert.h>', getline('.'))
!     endfor
!     " Test 10: Invalid find command
!     call assert_fails('cs find x', 'E560:')
!     " Test 11: Find places where this symbol is assigned a value
      " this needs a cscope >= 15.8
      " unfortunately, Travis has cscope version 15.7
      let cscope_version=systemlist('cscope --version')[0]
      let cs_version=str2float(matchstr(cscope_version, '\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?'))
      if cs_version >= 15.8
!       for cmd in ['cs find a item', 'cs find 9 item']
!         let a=execute(cmd)
!         call assert_equal(['', '(1 of 4): <<test_mf_hash>> item = 
(mf_hashitem_T *)lalloc_clear(sizeof(mf_hashtab_T), FALSE);'], split(a, '\n', 
!         call assert_equal('   item = (mf_hashitem_T 
*)lalloc_clear(sizeof(mf_hashtab_T), FALSE);', getline('.'))
!         cnext
!         call assert_equal('   item = mf_hash_find(&ht, key);', getline('.'))
!         cnext
!         call assert_equal('       item = mf_hash_find(&ht, key);', 
!         cnext
!         call assert_equal('   item = mf_hash_find(&ht, key);', getline('.'))
!       endfor
!     " Test 12: leading whitespace is not removed for cscope find text
      let a=execute('cscope find t     test_mf_hash')
      call assert_equal(['', '(1 of 1): <<<unknown>>>     test_mf_hash();'], 
split(a, '\n', 1))
      call assert_equal('    test_mf_hash();', getline('.'))
!     " Test 13: test with scscope
!     let a=execute('scs find t Bram')
!     call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<<unknown>>>  \* VIM - Vi IMproved^Iby Bram 
Moolenaar', a)
!     call assert_equal(' * VIM - Vi IMproved   by Bram Moolenaar', 
!     " Test 14: cscope help
!     for cmd in ['cs', 'cs help', 'cs xxx']
!       let a=execute(cmd)
!       call assert_match('^cscope commands:\n', a)
!       call assert_match('\nadd  :', a)
!       call assert_match('\nfind :', a)
!       call assert_match('\nhelp : Show this message', a)
!       call assert_match('\nkill : Kill a connection', a)
!       call assert_match('\nreset: Reinit all connections', a)
!       call assert_match('\nshow : Show connections', a)
!     endfor
!     let a=execute('scscope help')
!     call assert_match('This cscope command does not support splitting the 
window\.', a)
!     " Test 15: reset connections
      let a=execute('cscope reset')
      call assert_match('\nAdded cscope database.*Xcscope.out (#0)', a)
      call assert_match('\nAll cscope databases reset', a)
!     " Test 16: cscope show
      let a=execute('cscope show')
      call assert_match('\n 0 \d\+.*Xcscope.out\s*<none>', a)
!     " Test 17: cstag and 'csto' option
      set csto=0
      let a=execute('cstag TEST_COUNT')
      call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<TEST_COUNT>> #define TEST_COUNT 50000', a)
*** 144,169 ****
      let a=execute('cstag index_to_key')
      call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<index_to_key>> #define index_to_key(i) 
((i) ^ 15167)', a)
      call assert_equal('#define index_to_key(i) ((i) ^ 15167)', getline('.'))
!     call assert_fails('cstag xxx', 'E257')
!     call assert_fails('cstag', 'E562')
!     " Test 15: 'csprg' option
!     call assert_equal('cscope', &csprg)
!     " Test 16: 'cst' option
      set cst
      let a=execute('tag TEST_COUNT')
      call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<TEST_COUNT>> #define TEST_COUNT 50000', a)
      call assert_equal('#define TEST_COUNT 50000', getline('.'))
!     set nocst
!     call assert_fails('tag TEST_COUNT', 'E426')
      " CleanUp
      call CscopeSetupOrClean(0)
!     " cscope command should fail after killing scope connection.
!     call assert_fails('cscope find s main', 'E567')
  " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
--- 173,276 ----
      let a=execute('cstag index_to_key')
      call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<index_to_key>> #define index_to_key(i) 
((i) ^ 15167)', a)
      call assert_equal('#define index_to_key(i) ((i) ^ 15167)', getline('.'))
!     call assert_fails('cstag xxx', 'E257:')
!     call assert_fails('cstag', 'E562:')
!     " Test 18: 'cst' option
!     set nocst
!     call assert_fails('tag TEST_COUNT', 'E426:')
      set cst
      let a=execute('tag TEST_COUNT')
      call assert_match('(1 of 1): <<TEST_COUNT>> #define TEST_COUNT 50000', a)
      call assert_equal('#define TEST_COUNT 50000', getline('.'))
!     let a=execute('tags')
!     call assert_match('1  1 TEST_COUNT\s\+\d\+\s\+#define index_to_key', a)
!     " Test 19: this should trigger call to cs_print_tags()
!     " Unclear how to check result though, we just exercise the code.
!     set cst cscopequickfix=s0
!     call feedkeys(":cs find s main\<CR>", 't')
!     " Test 20: cscope kill
!     call assert_fails('cscope kill 2', 'E261:')
!     call assert_fails('cscope kill xxx', 'E261:')
!     let a=execute('cscope kill 0')
!     call assert_match('cscope connection 0 closed', a)
!     cscope add Xcscope.out
!     let a=execute('cscope kill Xcscope.out')
!     call assert_match('cscope connection Xcscope.out closed', a)
!     cscope add Xcscope.out .
!     let a=execute('cscope kill -1')
!     call assert_match('cscope connection .*Xcscope.out closed', a)
!     let a=execute('cscope kill -1')
!     call assert_equal('', a)
!     " Test 21: 'csprg' option
!     call assert_equal('cscope', &csprg)
!     set csprg=doesnotexist
!     call assert_fails('cscope add Xcscope2.out', 'E609:')
!     set csprg=cscope
!     " Test 22: multiple cscope connections
!     cscope add Xcscope.out
!     cscope add Xcscope2.out . -C
!     let a=execute('cscope show')
!     call assert_match('\n 0 \d\+.*Xcscope.out\s*<none>', a)
!     call assert_match('\n 1 \d\+.*Xcscope2.out\s*\.', a)
!     " Test 23: test Ex command line completion
!     call feedkeys(":cs \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
!     call assert_equal('"cs add find help kill reset show', @:)
!     call feedkeys(":scs \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
!     call assert_equal('"scs find', @:)
!     call feedkeys(":cs find \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
!     call assert_equal('"cs find a c d e f g i s t', @:)
!     call feedkeys(":cs kill \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
!     call assert_equal('"cs kill -1 0 1', @:)
!     call feedkeys(":cs add Xcscope\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
!     call assert_equal('"cs add Xcscope.out Xcscope2.out', @:)
!     " Test 24: cscope_connection()
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(), 1)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(0, 'out'), 1)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(0, 'xxx'), 1)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(1, 'out'), 1)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(1, 'xxx'), 0)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(2, 'out'), 0)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(3, 'xxx', '..'), 0)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(3, 'out', 'xxx'), 0)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(3, 'out', '.'), 1)
!     call assert_equal(cscope_connection(4, 'out', '.'), 0)
      " CleanUp
      call CscopeSetupOrClean(0)
! endfunc
! func Test_cscopequickfix()
!   set cscopequickfix=s-,g-,d+,c-,t+,e-,f0,i-,a-
!   call assert_equal('s-,g-,d+,c-,t+,e-,f0,i-,a-', &cscopequickfix)
!   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=x-', 'E474:')
!   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=s', 'E474:')
!   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=s7', 'E474:')
!   call assert_fails('set cscopequickfix=s-a', 'E474:')
! endfunc
! func Test_withoutCscopeConnection()
!   call assert_equal(cscope_connection(), 0)
+   call assert_fails('cscope find s main', 'E567:')
+   let a=execute('cscope show')
+   call assert_match('no cscope connections', a)
  " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
*** ../vim-7.4.2174/src/version.c       2016-08-07 13:48:05.001106411 +0200
--- src/version.c       2016-08-07 14:02:41.021942604 +0200
*** 765,766 ****
--- 765,768 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     2175,

The word "leader" is derived from the word "lead", as in the material that
bullets are made out of.  The term "leader" was popularized at about the same
time as the invention of firearms.  It grew out of the observation that the
person in charge of every organization was the person whom everyone wanted to
fill with hot lead.
   I don't recomment this; it's just a point of historical interest.
                                (Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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