On Monday, 8 August 2016 14:34:34 UTC+1, Alex  wrote:
> Hi,
> I use VIM 7.4 on unix, but similar behaviour was on Windows as well.
> With commands that expect file names, backticks can be used similar to unix 
> shells:
> :e `echo aaa`
> or, assuming we have VIM variable aaa already set, we can use VIM backtick 
> expansion :
> :e `=aaa`
> However, shell backtick expansion is more robust, for example, the following 
> will work :
> :e `echo aaa`.txt
> while the following will not (at least not as expected): 
> :e `=aaa`.txt
> Is it a bug or made on purpose for some reason?
> Regards,
> Alex

There is obviously a workaround for this, but it looks kind of cumbersome :

:e `=expand(aaa . '.txt')`

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