On Monday, August 8, 2016 at 12:44:56 PM UTC-4, LCD 47 wrote:

>     By default the status line of the quickfix open shows "[Quickfix
> List]" or "[Location List]", followed by the w:quickfix_title variable
> described above.  Some of the plugins that customize status lines choose
> to ignore that information.  I don't think this is something that needs
> to be fixed in Vim.

That's my point. There is no reliable way to distinguish if we are dealing with 
a quickfix or a location window.  Considering that you have to use different 
set of 
commands to handle these windows, this information has to be easily obtainable. 
as of right now, it's not the case. w:quickfix_window can be modified, which 
means it 
is not a reliable source.

Also status line uses buf_spname() function that is not exposed via API and as 
mentioned returns values that are translated.


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