armin walland <> wrote:

> hi!
> i think i have encountered a bug in vim's syntax plugin.
> the behaviour seems to have something to do with matching of curly braces or
> quotes.
> $ cat a.yml
> - name: make sure authorized_keys are correct
>   authorized_key: user=root key="{{ a-ssh }}"
>   authorized_key: user=root key="{{ b-ssh }}"
>   authorized_key: user=root state=absent
> key="fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
> if i open this file with vim, change to edit mode, place the cursor at the
> closing double quote in the b-ssh line and press backspace, vim freezes for
> some time (maybe 30 seconds) using 100% cpu and returns to life eventually.
> the duration of the freeze seems to be related to how long the
> "ffffffffff..." line is. :syntax off removes the problem.
> not sure how my thunderbird will format this message, but just to make sure,
> there should not be a newline before the key="fffff..." line.
> thank you :)

I can't reproduce it using vim-7.4.2232 (huge) on Linux.

Which version of Vim are you using?  Make sure you're using
a recent version, as the bug may have been fixed already.

Can you also try with:  vim -u NONE a.yaml?


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