
Discl.: AFAIK the following doesn't exist (yet?) in Vim, but I may have missed 

Is there a command somewhere to put or let block of raw lines in VimL.
I'm perfectly aware of append() and setline(), but I'm looking for something 
that'll let me write things like:

  :put << EOF
     line 2
  Line 3
  " + code like: %s/\v\s*(.{-})\s*\ze\d/\u\1 /

And also 

  :let expected << EOF
  Line 1
  Line 2
  Line 3

The objective is to be able to write unit tests with as few boilerplate code as 
possible in order to assert ll == getline(1, '$').

Of course this could be achieved with
   :call setline(1, ['line1', '    line 2', 'Line 3'])
   :let expected = ['Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3']

But this'll be extremely cumbersome to maintain.

Luc Hermitte

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