
On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 10:54 PM, Yegappan Lakshmanan
<yegapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> My wish list for extending the Vim search feature:
> 1. When searching for a pattern, pressing a key at the search prompt
>     should jump to the next or previous match.
> 2. After jumping multiple times from the search prompt, pressing the
>     escape key should restore the cursor to the original cursor position
>     before the search.
> 3. Pressing backspace at the search prompt to erase a few characters and
>     then typing additional characters should start the search from the
>     previously matched position and not from the original position.

Thanks to Christian for implementing the above features.

> 4. As characters are typed at the search prompt, all the matching text
>     should be highlighted (multiple matches). This can be turned on/off by
>     an option.

It will be useful to add the above feature also :-) - Highlighting all the
text matching the search pattern. This may have performance issues
(if there are a large number of matches) and may need some tuning.
So this can be enabled/disabled through an option. The highlighting
for the current match (IncSearch) can be different from the highlighting
used for the other matches.


> I know there are some Vim plugins that support some of these features.
> But it will be useful to extend the built-in Vim feature to support these
> features.
> Thanks,
> Yegappan

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