Hi Ken,

On 9/5/2016 12:26 AM, Ken Takata wrote:
Hi mike,

2016/9/5 Mon 10:07:00 UTC+9 Michael Soyka wrote:
The makefile testdir/Make_ming.mak contains statements of the form:

    if exist test.ok $(DEL) test.ok

which can only be executed by one of the DOS/Windows command shells such
as command.com or cmd.exe

My version of make, gnu 3.82.90, sets the SHELL make variable to the
value "C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/sh.exe", a unix shell, and so all such
if-statements fail.

This can be sidestepped by setting SHELL=cmd.exe on the make command
line but then unix utilities such as "rm" are used instead of "del" and
DIRSLASH is set to "/" instead of "\" and so vim.exe cannot be launched
to run the test (cmd.exe does not accept forward slashes in paths).
This new problem is caused by an incorrectly constructed if-test in the


followed by unix-style definitions.  I think that the author had
intended this

    ifeq(sh.exe, $(SHELL))
No, this is confusing but intended. Please try the following Makefile:

        echo $(SHELL)

If you run mingw32-make.exe (not make.exe) on cmd.exe, you will see the
following result:

   echo sh.exe
No, this is not what I see.  I see "C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/sh.exe"

Other results are...

make.exe on cmd.exe:

   echo /bin/sh
   make: echo: Command not found
   make: *** [Makefile.mingw:2: all] Error 127

This doesn't work as expected.

mingw32-make.exe on bash.exe:

   $ mingw32-make
   echo C:/msys32/usr/bin/sh.exe

make.exe on bash.exe:

   $ make
   echo /bin/sh

Normally, mingw32-make should be used when the shell is cmd.exe.
(I don't know when the shell is bash.exe.)

My apologies for not being clearer. I am running mingw32-make. I did exactly what you suggested above and got "C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/sh.exe" for SHELL. In the interest of full disclosure, I'm using TDM-GCC-64 to build Vim and run the tests. It does not include a unix shell. Its version of make apparently looks for and finds one in my MinGW/msys installation which is on my path.

Given all your examples above, if the makefile must include unix shell support, 
wouldn't the better implementation have been:
  ifeq("cmd.exe", $(SHELL))
followed by the DOS definitions?  This covers SHELL being "sh", "/bin/sh" or 
whatever.  That said, I still claim that
  ifeq("cmd.exe", $(notdir $(SHELL)))
is the right thing to do in case the value of SHELL includes a path.

Again, I see this discussion if ifneq/ifeq statements as somewhat irrelevant since the 
"if exist" statements in the makefile assume/demand a cmd shell.

but this won't work either because the value of SHELL will include a
full path, if make is allowed to define it.

The correct construct is this:

    ifeq(sh.exe, $(notdir $(SHELL)))

which strips the path information from SHELL before the comparison.

This is all interesting but mostly irrelevant.  The bottom line is that
a DOS shell must be used and so my suggestion is:

    1.  remove the if-block that defines the unix utilities and retain
the else-block, and

    2.  define SHELL=cmd.exe in the makefile.
I haven't tried this yet.
Does this work both on cmd.exe and bash.exe?

Ken Takata

I build Vim and run the tests in a cmd.exe shell. My experience is that the two suggestions I make above make it possible for me to run all the tests without error. If I don't go out of my way to specify SHELL somehow, either in the makefile or on the command line, mingw32-make generates errors when it tries to execute the "if exist" statements.

Believe me, I fully understand that it's far-fetched that no one else has seen this problem before. I can't explain that either!


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