
Vim has compiled-in knowledge of a few terminals whose mouse
support is like that of xterm.  One such terminal is GNU screen.
Missing from this list is tmux, a terminal multiplexer similar
to GNU screen:

When ``$TERM`` is ``screen``, Vim automatically performs the
equivalent of ``:set ttymouse=xterm``; when ``$TERM`` is
``tmux``, ``ttymouse`` is left unset which causes the following
incorrect mouse-related settings to be set:

  <DecMouse>  ^[[
  <NetMouse>  ^[}
  <Mouse>     ^[MG

<DecMouse> in particular interferes with the processing of
key codes that start with ``^[[``.

I'd like to propose the below patch which adds supports for tmux
in the same way that Vim currently supports screen.

diff --git a/src/os_unix.c b/src/os_unix.c
index 5f1c487..f12e944 100644
--- a/src/os_unix.c
+++ b/src/os_unix.c
@@ -2261,6 +2261,7 @@ use_xterm_like_mouse(char_u *name)
     return (name != NULL
         && (term_is_xterm
         || STRNICMP(name, "screen", 6) == 0
+        || STRNICMP(name, "tmux", 4) == 0
         || STRICMP(name, "st") == 0
         || STRNICMP(name, "st-", 3) == 0
         || STRNICMP(name, "stterm", 6) == 0));

Michael Henry

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