Skywind wrote:

> Thanks for the patch,
> I wrote a test :
> (benchjob.vim for starting job, for printing 80000 lines)
> -----------------------------------
> benchjob.vim:
> function! MyCallback(job, text)
>       " make cpu a little busy
>       for i in range(100)
>               for j in range(10)
>                       cbottom 
>               endfor
>       endfor
>       let text = iconv(a:text, "gbk", &encoding)
>       caddexpr a:text
>       cbottom
> endfunc
> copen 8
> cexpr "[python output]"
> wincmd k
> let cmd = ['/usr/bin/python', '']
> let opt = {"out_cb": "MyCallback", "out_io": "pipe", "err_io": "out"}
> let job = job_start(cmd, opt)
> --------------
> #! /usr/bin/env python2
> import sys
> for i in xrange(80000):
>       sys.stdout.write('benchjob:%s: this is line %d\n'%(i, i))
>       sys.stdout.flush()
> ----------------
> I can move cursor with the latest version (8.0.101), gui doesn't freeze as 
> the older versions. But I also find some issues:
> 1. Although I can move cursor while is running, but I
> nearly can't input any thing, when I type a single character in insert
> mode, I can see the character appears in the screen, cursor moves
> right and then cursor rewinds to the head of the line, and then redraw
> the whole line. (delete the whole line at first, then display them
> again). It seems gui is very busy, especially accessing a remote vim
> from terminal.

It's hard to avoid this, since Vim is indeed 100% busy.

> 2. After a while, the output in quickfix stopped ( isn't finished 
> yet), until I move cursor or type something in vim, and it resumes and 
> updates a few lines in quickfix and stops again until I type something again. 
> If I don't touch my keyboard, the the output will pause forever.

That sounds like a bug.  I suppose that when no key is available the
loop doesn't go back to checking for messages.

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
48. You get a tatoo that says "This body best viewed with Netscape 3.1 or

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