On Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 10:55:36 AM UTC+1, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> For a terminal this will need to work differently.  We don't have a
> mouse hover event, and it might be tricky to make it work well.  But the
> balloon could also be triggered in other ways, e.g. a right mouse button
> click.  Or something on an autocommand.

> Anyway, adding the function to show a balloon in the GUI should be easy,
> doing this in the terminal is a bit of a challange.

Right. GUI implementation should be fairly straightforward but terminal version 
could complicate things a little bit. Two different patches would make sense 

On Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 11:14:37 AM UTC+1, Davit Samvelyan wrote:
> Take a look to my fork https://github.com/davits/vim you may find it useful 
> in your endeavors. 
> It introduces several function to show balloons at need (works only with gtk):
> overlayshow(row, col, [list of items], is_pango_markup)
> overlaynext()
> overlayprev()
> overlayclose()
> Here is a small demo
> https://files.gitter.im/Valloric/ycmd/l1M8/popup-overlay.gif

That's actually a super-set of a feature that I was thinking of. Bram what do 
you think of this, more generic, approach?

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