On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 10:02:13AM +0900, Kazunobu Kuriyama wrote:

> Though I'm not 100% sure whether or not what I'm going to tell you is
> relevant to the issue Danek is talking about, let me do so anyway because I
> think it's a good occasion for me to do that now.
> How to reproduce a resize problem:
> (1) Start X11 with the twm window manager running (Or, using any window
> manager of choice instead is a good idea for comparison, I think).
> (2) Open a terminal and resize it wider than 80 columns.
> (3) cd /.../vim/src && make && make test3
> On my PC, the width of the terminal gets reduced to 80 columns during the
> test.
> It appears the problem is due to line 973 of test3.in:
> :set tw=0 wm=60 columns=80 noai fo=croq
> Though I've noticed that for a quite while, I've also found that whether or
> not the problem occurs depends on the window manager in use. So I had been
> holding back from reporting that.

Indeed; adding "t_WS=" to that line (before columns=80) takes care of the
remainder of the terminal resizing.


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