Patch 8.0.0543
Problem:    Test_edit causes older xfce4-terminal to close. (Dominique Pelle)
Solution:   Reduce number of columns to 2000.  Try to restore the window
Files:      src/testdir/test_edit.vim, src/evalfunc.c, src/term.c,
            src/proto/, src/term.h

*** ../vim-8.0.0542/src/testdir/test_edit.vim   2017-04-01 14:13:11.866693326 
--- src/testdir/test_edit.vim   2017-04-04 22:33:33.907147970 +0200
*** 1328,1337 ****
      " Long directory names only work on Unix.
    let save_columns = &columns
!   set columns=5000
!   call assert_equal(5000, &columns)
    set noswapfile
    let dirname = getcwd() . "/Xdir"
    let longdirname = dirname . repeat('/' . repeat('d', 255), 4)
    let longfilename = longdirname . '/' . repeat('a', 255)
--- 1328,1341 ----
      " Long directory names only work on Unix.
+   " Try to get the Vim window position before setting 'columns'.
+   let winposx = getwinposx()
+   let winposy = getwinposy()
    let save_columns = &columns
!   set columns=2000
!   call assert_equal(2000, &columns)
    set noswapfile
    let dirname = getcwd() . "/Xdir"
    let longdirname = dirname . repeat('/' . repeat('d', 255), 4)
    let longfilename = longdirname . '/' . repeat('a', 255)
*** 1345,1349 ****
--- 1349,1356 ----
    exe 'bwipe! ' . longfilename
    call delete(dirname, 'rf')
    let &columns = save_columns
+   if winposx >= 0 && winposy >= 0
+     exe 'winpos ' . winposx . ' ' . winposy
+   endif
    set swapfile&
*** ../vim-8.0.0542/src/evalfunc.c      2017-03-29 14:19:21.882199174 +0200
--- src/evalfunc.c      2017-04-04 21:50:59.879208445 +0200
*** 5242,5265 ****
-  * "getwinposx()" function
-  */
-     static void
- f_getwinposx(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv)
- {
-     rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
-     if (gui.in_use)
-     {
-       int         x, y;
-       if (gui_mch_get_winpos(&x, &y) == OK)
-           rettv->vval.v_number = x;
-     }
- #endif
- }
- /*
   * "win_findbuf()" function
      static void
--- 5242,5247 ----
*** 5307,5312 ****
--- 5289,5320 ----
+  * "getwinposx()" function
+  */
+     static void
+ f_getwinposx(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv)
+ {
+     rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
+ #ifdef FEAT_GUI
+     if (gui.in_use)
+     {
+       int         x, y;
+       if (gui_mch_get_winpos(&x, &y) == OK)
+           rettv->vval.v_number = x;
+     }
+ #endif
+ #if defined(HAVE_TGETENT) && defined(FEAT_TERMRESPONSE)
+     {
+       int         x, y;
+       if (term_get_winpos(&x, &y) == OK)
+           rettv->vval.v_number = x;
+     }
+ #endif
+ }
+ /*
   * "getwinposy()" function
      static void
*** 5322,5327 ****
--- 5330,5343 ----
            rettv->vval.v_number = y;
+ #if defined(HAVE_TGETENT) && defined(FEAT_TERMRESPONSE)
+     {
+       int         x, y;
+       if (term_get_winpos(&x, &y) == OK)
+           rettv->vval.v_number = y;
+     }
+ #endif
*** ../vim-8.0.0542/src/term.c  2017-04-02 17:21:09.890069493 +0200
--- src/term.c  2017-04-04 22:33:20.819229358 +0200
*** 845,853 ****
--- 845,855 ----
                                                  ESC_STR "[8;%p1%d;%p2%dt")},
      {(int)KS_CWP,     IF_EB("\033[3;%p1%d;%p2%dt",
                                                  ESC_STR "[3;%p1%d;%p2%dt")},
+     {(int)KS_CGP,     IF_EB("\033[13t", ESC_STR "[13t")},
  #  else
      {(int)KS_CWS,     IF_EB("\033[8;%d;%dt", ESC_STR "[8;%d;%dt")},
      {(int)KS_CWP,     IF_EB("\033[3;%d;%dt", ESC_STR "[3;%d;%dt")},
+     {(int)KS_CGP,     IF_EB("\033[13t", ESC_STR "[13t")},
  #  endif
      {(int)KS_CRV,     IF_EB("\033[>c", ESC_STR "[>c")},
      {(int)KS_RBG,     IF_EB("\033]11;?\007", ESC_STR "]11;?\007")},
*** 2581,2586 ****
--- 2583,2642 ----
      OUT_STR(tgoto((char *)T_CWP, y, x));
+ # if defined(FEAT_TERMRESPONSE) || defined(PROTO)
+ /*
+  * Return TRUE if we can request the terminal for a response.
+  */
+     static int
+ can_get_termresponse()
+ {
+     return cur_tmode == TMODE_RAW
+           && termcap_active
+ # ifdef UNIX
+           && (is_not_a_term() || (isatty(1) && isatty(read_cmd_fd)))
+ # endif
+           && p_ek;
+ }
+ static int winpos_x;
+ static int winpos_y;
+ static int waiting_for_winpos = FALSE;
+ /*
+  * Try getting the Vim window position from the terminal.
+  * Returns OK or FAIL.
+  */
+     int
+ term_get_winpos(int *x, int *y)
+ {
+     int count = 0;
+     if (*T_CGP == NUL || !can_get_termresponse())
+       return FAIL;
+     winpos_x = -1;
+     winpos_y = -1;
+     waiting_for_winpos = TRUE;
+     OUT_STR(T_CGP);
+     out_flush();
+     /* Try reading the result for 100 msec. */
+     while (count++ < 10)
+     {
+       (void)vpeekc_nomap();
+       if (winpos_x >= 0 && winpos_y >= 0)
+       {
+           *x = winpos_x;
+           *y = winpos_y;
+           waiting_for_winpos = FALSE;
+           return OK;
+       }
+       ui_delay(10, FALSE);
+     }
+     waiting_for_winpos = FALSE;
+     return FALSE;
+ }
+ # endif
  term_set_winsize(int width, int height)
*** 3229,3242 ****
      if (crv_status == CRV_GET
!           && cur_tmode == TMODE_RAW
            && starting == 0
-           && termcap_active
-           && p_ek
- # ifdef UNIX
-           && isatty(1)
-           && isatty(read_cmd_fd)
- # endif
            && *T_CRV != NUL)
        LOG_TR("Sending CRV");
--- 3285,3292 ----
      if (crv_status == CRV_GET
!           && can_get_termresponse()
            && starting == 0
            && *T_CRV != NUL)
        LOG_TR("Sending CRV");
*** 3263,3275 ****
      if (u7_status == U7_GET
!           && cur_tmode == TMODE_RAW
!           && termcap_active
!           && p_ek
! #  ifdef UNIX
!           && isatty(1)
!           && isatty(read_cmd_fd)
! #  endif
            && *T_U7 != NUL
            && !option_was_set((char_u *)"ambiwidth"))
--- 3313,3320 ----
      if (u7_status == U7_GET
!           && can_get_termresponse()
!           && starting == 0
            && *T_U7 != NUL
            && !option_was_set((char_u *)"ambiwidth"))
*** 3295,3301 ****
  # endif
- #if defined(FEAT_TERMRESPONSE) || defined(PROTO)
   * Similar to requesting the version string: Request the terminal background
   * color when it is the right moment.
--- 3340,3345 ----
*** 3304,3316 ****
      if (rbg_status == RBG_GET
!           && cur_tmode == TMODE_RAW
!           && termcap_active
!           && p_ek
! #  ifdef UNIX
!           && isatty(1)
!           && isatty(read_cmd_fd)
! #  endif
            && *T_RBG != NUL
            && !option_was_set((char_u *)"bg"))
--- 3348,3355 ----
      if (rbg_status == RBG_GET
!           && can_get_termresponse()
!           && starting == 0
            && *T_RBG != NUL
            && !option_was_set((char_u *)"bg"))
*** 3323,3329 ****
- # endif
      static void
--- 3362,3367 ----
*** 4136,4145 ****
             * - Cursor position report: <Esc>[{row};{col}R
             *   The final byte must be 'R'. It is used for checking the
             *   ambiguous-width character state.
            char_u *argp = tp[0] == ESC ? tp + 2 : tp + 1;
!           if ((*T_CRV != NUL || *T_U7 != NUL)
                        && ((tp[0] == ESC && len >= 3 && tp[1] == '[')
                            || (tp[0] == CSI && len >= 2))
                        && (VIM_ISDIGIT(*argp) || *argp == '>' || *argp == '?'))
--- 4174,4185 ----
             * - Cursor position report: <Esc>[{row};{col}R
             *   The final byte must be 'R'. It is used for checking the
             *   ambiguous-width character state.
+            *
+            * - window position reply: <Esc>[3;{x};{y}t
            char_u *argp = tp[0] == ESC ? tp + 2 : tp + 1;
!           if ((*T_CRV != NUL || *T_U7 != NUL || waiting_for_winpos)
                        && ((tp[0] == ESC && len >= 3 && tp[1] == '[')
                            || (tp[0] == CSI && len >= 2))
                        && (VIM_ISDIGIT(*argp) || *argp == '>' || *argp == '?'))
*** 4278,4283 ****
--- 4318,4358 ----
                    key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
                    slen = i + 1;
+               /*
+                * Check for a window position response from the terminal:
+                *       {lead}3;{x}:{y}t
+                */
+               else if (waiting_for_winpos
+                           && ((len >= 4 && tp[0] == ESC && tp[1] == '[')
+                               || (len >= 3 && tp[0] == CSI))
+                           && tp[(j = 1 + (tp[0] == ESC))] == '3'
+                           && tp[j + 1] == ';')
+               {
+                   j += 2;
+                   for (i = j; i < len && vim_isdigit(tp[i]); ++i)
+                       ;
+                   if (i < len && tp[i] == ';')
+                   {
+                       winpos_x = atoi((char *)tp + j);
+                       j = i + 1;
+                       for (i = j; i < len && vim_isdigit(tp[i]); ++i)
+                           ;
+                       if (i < len && tp[i] == 't')
+                       {
+                           winpos_y = atoi((char *)tp + j);
+                           /* got finished code: consume it */
+                           key_name[0] = (int)KS_EXTRA;
+                           key_name[1] = (int)KE_IGNORE;
+                           slen = i + 1;
+                       }
+                   }
+                   if (i == len)
+                   {
+                       LOG_TR("not enough characters for winpos");
+                       return -1;
+                   }
+               }
            /* Check for background color response from the terminal:
*** ../vim-8.0.0542/src/proto/  2016-09-12 13:04:20.000000000 +0200
--- src/proto/  2017-04-04 21:26:37.440495254 +0200
*** 22,27 ****
--- 22,28 ----
  void term_append_lines(int line_count);
  void term_delete_lines(int line_count);
  void term_set_winpos(int x, int y);
+ int term_get_winpos(int *x, int *y);
  void term_set_winsize(int width, int height);
  void term_fg_color(int n);
  void term_bg_color(int n);
*** ../vim-8.0.0542/src/term.h  2017-03-16 17:23:26.839815753 +0100
--- src/term.h  2017-04-04 20:54:20.296766437 +0200
*** 77,82 ****
--- 77,83 ----
      KS_TS,    /* set window title start (to status line)*/
      KS_FS,    /* set window title end (from status line) */
      KS_CWP,   /* set window position in pixels */
+     KS_CGP,   /* get window position */
      KS_CWS,   /* set window size in characters */
      KS_CRV,   /* request version string */
      KS_RBG,   /* request background color */
*** 163,169 ****
  #define T_CIE (TERM_STR(KS_CIE))      /* set icon text end */
  #define T_TS  (TERM_STR(KS_TS))       /* set window title start */
  #define T_FS  (TERM_STR(KS_FS))       /* set window title end */
! #define T_CWP (TERM_STR(KS_CWP))      /* window position */
  #define T_CWS (TERM_STR(KS_CWS))      /* window size */
  #define T_CSI (TERM_STR(KS_CSI))      /* start insert mode */
  #define T_CEI (TERM_STR(KS_CEI))      /* end insert mode */
--- 164,171 ----
  #define T_CIE (TERM_STR(KS_CIE))      /* set icon text end */
  #define T_TS  (TERM_STR(KS_TS))       /* set window title start */
  #define T_FS  (TERM_STR(KS_FS))       /* set window title end */
! #define T_CWP (TERM_STR(KS_CWP))      /* set window position */
! #define T_CGP (TERM_STR(KS_CGP))      /* get window position */
  #define T_CWS (TERM_STR(KS_CWS))      /* window size */
  #define T_CSI (TERM_STR(KS_CSI))      /* start insert mode */
  #define T_CEI (TERM_STR(KS_CEI))      /* end insert mode */
*** ../vim-8.0.0542/src/version.c       2017-04-03 22:02:51.778787637 +0200
--- src/version.c       2017-04-04 22:39:02.645102811 +0200
*** 766,767 ****
--- 766,769 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     543,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
269. You receive an e-mail from the wife of a deceased president, offering
     to send you twenty million dollar, and you are not even surprised.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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