On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Luc Hermitte <hermi...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've observed a poor performances issue when using glob(starstar/whatever).
> I know this is a known issue, I just had to look at the first lines of 
> unix_expandpath().
> And yet, we could do better. Much better.
> I've run a simple test case in callgrind:
>> valgrind --tool=callgrind ./vim -U NONE -u NONE -c "echo 
>> glob('~/.vim/**/tags')" -c q
> On my current machine, I see vim_regexec() and vim_regcomp() executed 14036 
> times, and taking respectively 41.72% + 15.67% of unix_expandpath() (lr) 
> cycles measured by callgrind.

Off-topic, could you share what tool you used to get the relative time
costs of the callgrind results? Or is that just the ratio of call
*counts*, not wall-clock cost?

Thanks :)


Justin M. Keyes

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