Hi Bram, others,

I have an updated 'gitolite.vim' syntax file and an updated
'gitolite.vim' indent file.  They are attached as
'syntax-gitolite.vim' and 'indent-gitolite.vim'.  They're not
big (together less than 6k), so I hope it is OK to send as

Background: I'm the author and maintainer for the gitolite
software itself, and I've recently added some significant new
additions to the access control language used in a gitolite.conf
file.  That was the reason for this huge change.

Teemu, the original author of the gitolite.vim syntax and indent
files, is aware of this and is copied here.  We have discussed
this by email and have agreed that it would be appropriate to
replace the old ones.


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" Vim syntax file
" Language:     gitolite configuration
" URL:          
" Maintainer:   Sitaram Chamarty <sitar...@gmail.com>
" (former Maintainer:   Teemu Matilainen <teemu.matilai...@iki.fi>)
" Last Change:  2017 Oct 05

if exists("b:current_syntax")

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" this seems to be the best way, for now.
syntax sync fromstart

" ---- common stuff

syn match   gitoliteGroup           '@\S\+'

syn match   gitoliteComment         '#.*' contains=gitoliteTodo
syn keyword gitoliteTodo            TODO FIXME XXX NOT contained

" ---- main section

" catch template-data syntax appearing outside template-data section
syn match   gitoliteRepoError       '^\s*repo.*='
syn match   gitoliteRepoError       '^\s*\S\+\s*='  " this gets overridden 
later when first word is a perm, don't worry

" normal gitolite group and repo lines
syn match   gitoliteGroupLine       '^\s*@\S\+\s*=\s*\S.*$' 
syn match   gitoliteRepoLine        '^\s*repo\s\+[^=]*$' 
syn keyword gitoliteRepo            repo contained

syn keyword gitoliteSpecialRepo     CREATOR

" normal gitolite rule lines
syn match   gitoliteRuleLine        '^\s*\(-\|C\|R\|RW+\?C\?D\?\)\s[^#]*' 
syn match   gitoliteRule            '\(^\s*\)\@<=\(-\|C\|R\|RW+\?C\?D\?\)\s\@=' 
syn match   gitoliteRefex           
syn match   gitoliteSpecialRefex    'NAME/'
syn match   gitoliteSpecialRefex    '/USER/'
syn match   gitoliteCreateRule      '\(^\s*C\s.*=\s*\)\@<=\S[^#]*[^# ]' 
contained contains=gitoliteGroup
syn match   gitoliteDenyRule        '\(^\s*-\s.*=\s*\)\@<=\S[^#]*[^# ]' 

" normal gitolite config (and similar) lines
syn match   gitoliteConfigLine      
syn keyword gitoliteConfigKW        config option include subconf contained
syn match   gitoliteConfigKey       '\(\(config\|option\)\s\+\)\@<=[^ =]*' 
syn match   gitoliteConfigVal       '\(=\s*\)\@<=\S.*' contained

" ---- template-data section

syn region  gitoliteTemplateLine    matchgroup=PreProc start='^=begin 
template-data$' end='^=end$' 

syn match   gitoliteTplRepoLine     '^\s*repo\s\+\S.*=.*' contained 
syn keyword gitoliteTplRepo         repo contained
syn match   gitoliteTplTemplates    '\(=\s*\)\@<=\S.*' contained 

syn match   gitoliteTplRoleLine     '^\s*\S\+\s*=\s*.*' contained 
syn match   gitoliteTplRole         '\S\+\s*='he=e-1 contained

" catch normal gitolite rules appearing in template-data section
syn match   gitoliteTplError        '^\s*repo[^=]*$' contained
syn match   gitoliteTplError        '^\s*\(-\|R\|RW+\?C\?D\?\)\s'he=e-1 
syn match   gitoliteTplError        
'^\s*\(config\|option\|include\|subconf\)\s'he=e-1 contained
syn match   gitoliteTplError        '^\s*@\S\+\s*=' contained contains=NONE

hi def link gitoliteGroup           Identifier
hi def link gitoliteComment         Comment
hi def link gitoliteTodo            ToDo
hi def link gitoliteRepoError       Error
hi def link gitoliteGroupLine       PreProc
hi def link gitoliteRepo            Keyword
hi def link gitoliteSpecialRepo     PreProc
hi def link gitoliteRule            Keyword
hi def link gitoliteCreateRule      PreProc
hi def link gitoliteDenyRule        WarningMsg
hi def link gitoliteRefex           Constant
hi def link gitoliteSpecialRefex    PreProc
hi def link gitoliteConfigKW        Keyword
hi def link gitoliteConfigKey       Identifier
hi def link gitoliteConfigVal       String
hi def link gitoliteTplRepo         Keyword
hi def link gitoliteTplTemplates    Constant
hi def link gitoliteTplRole         Constant
hi def link gitoliteTplError        Error

let b:current_syntax = "gitolite"

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" Vim indent file
" Language:     gitolite configuration
" URL:          
" Maintainer:   Sitaram Chamarty <sitar...@gmail.com>
" (former Maintainer:   Teemu Matilainen <teemu.matilai...@iki.fi>)
" Last Change:  2017 Oct 05

if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1

setlocal autoindent
setlocal indentexpr=GetGitoliteIndent()
setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,!^F,=repo,\",=

" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetGitoliteIndent")

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

function! GetGitoliteIndent()
  let prevln = prevnonblank(v:lnum-1)
  let pline = getline(prevln)
  let cline = getline(v:lnum)

  if cline =~ '^\s*\(C\|R\|RW\|RW+\|RWC\|RW+C\|RWD\|RW+D\|RWCD\|RW+CD\|-\)[ 
    return shiftwidth()
  elseif cline =~ '^\s*config\s'
    return shiftwidth()
  elseif cline =~ '^\s*option\s'
    return shiftwidth()
  elseif pline =~ '^\s*repo\s' && cline =~ '^\s*\(#.*\)\?$'
    return shiftwidth()
  elseif cline =~ '^\s*#'
    return indent(prevln)
  elseif cline =~ '^\s*$'
    return -1
    return 0

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

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