Am 13.12.2017 um 22:43 schrieb Gary Johnson:
To follow up, here is what I did to fix the problematic function in
my plugin.  I added code above and below this line, which had been
modifying every line in a closed fold instead of just l:lnum,

silent exe l:lnum.'s/:.*/:\t'.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").'/'

to open any closed fold at that line and, if necessary, re-close it.

let l:foldclosed = foldclosed(l:lnum) > 0 if l:foldclosed exe
l:lnum."foldopen" endif

silent exe l:lnum.'s/:.*/:\t'.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").'/'

if l:foldclosed exe l:lnum."foldclose" endif

Just :foldopen is not enough, it just opens one level of folds, the
cursor line might still end up in a closed fold.
And often it's unclear how the range is related to existing folds.
Mostly it's better to temporarily reset 'foldenable'.


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