* Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> [2018-01-29 16:24 +0100]:

> Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> > This is 8.0.1438
> > 
> > From test_alot.vim:
> > Found errors in Test_filetype_detection():
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: 
> > with file name: /.config/git/config: Expected 'gitconfig' but got ''
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: 
> > with file name: /.config/upstart/file.conf: Expected 'upstart' but got ''
> > function RunTheTest[38]..Test_filetype_detection[2]..CheckItems line 9: 
> > with file name: /.config/upstart/file.override: Expected 'upstart' but got 
> > ''
> Does the test somehow pick up something from your local configuration?
> The test passes for me and also on both the CI platforms.

There was /.config. Don't know why...

Removed it and all went fine ;-)

Sorry for the noise
    /V\   L   I   N   U   X
   /( )\ >Phear the Penguin<

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