Patch 8.0.1592
Problem:    Terminal windows in a session are not properly restored.
Solution:   Add "terminal" in 'sessionoptions'.  When possible restore the
            command running in a terminal.
Files:      src/option.c, src/option.h, src/ex_docmd.c, src/terminal.c,
            src/proto/, src/evalfunc.c, src/structs.h,
            src/channel.c, src/testdir/test_terminal.vim,
            src/testdir/shared.vim, src/testdir/test_mksession.vim

*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/option.c        2018-03-07 23:02:29.594336432 +0100
--- src/option.c        2018-03-08 22:09:44.716834176 +0100
*** 2403,2409 ****
      {"sessionoptions", "ssop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ONECOMMA|P_NODUP,
                            (char_u *)&p_ssop, PV_NONE,
!        {(char_u *)"blank,buffers,curdir,folds,help,options,tabpages,winsize",
                                                               (char_u *)0L}
                            (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
--- 2403,2409 ----
      {"sessionoptions", "ssop", P_STRING|P_VI_DEF|P_ONECOMMA|P_NODUP,
                            (char_u *)&p_ssop, PV_NONE,
!        {(char_u 
                                                               (char_u *)0L}
                            (char_u *)NULL, PV_NONE,
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/option.h        2018-03-04 20:14:08.252064314 +0100
--- src/option.h        2018-03-08 22:11:16.736211708 +0100
*** 751,757 ****
  /* Also used for 'viewoptions'! */
  static char *(p_ssop_values[]) = {"buffers", "winpos", "resize", "winsize",
      "localoptions", "options", "help", "blank", "globals", "slash", "unix",
!     "sesdir", "curdir", "folds", "cursor", "tabpages", NULL};
  # endif
  # define SSOP_BUFFERS         0x001
  # define SSOP_WINPOS          0x002
--- 751,757 ----
  /* Also used for 'viewoptions'! */
  static char *(p_ssop_values[]) = {"buffers", "winpos", "resize", "winsize",
      "localoptions", "options", "help", "blank", "globals", "slash", "unix",
!     "sesdir", "curdir", "folds", "cursor", "tabpages", "terminal", NULL};
  # endif
  # define SSOP_BUFFERS         0x001
  # define SSOP_WINPOS          0x002
*** 769,774 ****
--- 769,775 ----
  # define SSOP_FOLDS           0x2000
  # define SSOP_CURSOR          0x4000
  # define SSOP_TABPAGES                0x8000
+ # define SSOP_TERMINAL                0x10000
  EXTERN char_u *p_sh;          /* 'shell' */
  EXTERN char_u *p_shcf;        /* 'shellcmdflag' */
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/ex_docmd.c      2018-03-05 21:06:19.763252514 +0100
--- src/ex_docmd.c      2018-03-09 20:38:43.573014028 +0100
*** 11095,11100 ****
--- 11095,11105 ----
        if (!(only_save_windows && buf->b_nwindows == 0)
                && !(buf->b_help && !(ssop_flags & SSOP_HELP))
+               /* skip terminal buffers: finished ones are not useful, others
+                * will be resurrected and result in a new buffer */
+               && !bt_terminal(buf)
+ #endif
                && buf->b_fname != NULL
                && buf->b_p_bl)
*** 11305,11311 ****
       * Wipe out an empty unnamed buffer we started in.
!     if (put_line(fd, "if exists('s:wipebuf')") == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
      if (put_line(fd, "  silent exe 'bwipe ' . s:wipebuf") == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
--- 11310,11317 ----
       * Wipe out an empty unnamed buffer we started in.
!     if (put_line(fd, "if exists('s:wipebuf') && s:wipebuf != bufnr('%')")
!                                                                      == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
      if (put_line(fd, "  silent exe 'bwipe ' . s:wipebuf") == FAIL)
        return FAIL;
*** 11465,11470 ****
--- 11471,11482 ----
      static int
  ses_do_win(win_T *wp)
+     if (bt_terminal(wp->w_buffer))
+       return !term_is_finished(wp->w_buffer)
+           && (ssop_flags & SSOP_TERMINAL)
+           && term_should_restore(wp->w_buffer);
+ #endif
      if (wp->w_buffer->b_fname == NULL
            /* When 'buftype' is "nofile" can't restore the window contents. */
*** 11530,11542 ****
      /* Edit the file.  Skip this when ":next" already did it. */
      if (add_edit && (!did_next || wp->w_arg_idx_invalid))
         * Load the file.
        if (wp->w_buffer->b_ffname != NULL
                && !bt_nofile(wp->w_buffer)
! #endif
--- 11542,11562 ----
      /* Edit the file.  Skip this when ":next" already did it. */
      if (add_edit && (!did_next || wp->w_arg_idx_invalid))
+       if (bt_terminal(wp->w_buffer))
+       {
+           if (term_write_session(fd, wp) == FAIL)
+               return FAIL;
+       }
+       else
+ # endif
         * Load the file.
        if (wp->w_buffer->b_ffname != NULL
                && !bt_nofile(wp->w_buffer)
! # endif
*** 11554,11561 ****
                    || fputs(" | else | edit ", fd) < 0
                    || ses_fname(fd, wp->w_buffer, flagp, FALSE) == FAIL
                    || fputs(" | endif", fd) < 0
!                   ||
!               put_eol(fd) == FAIL)
                return FAIL;
--- 11574,11580 ----
                    || fputs(" | else | edit ", fd) < 0
                    || ses_fname(fd, wp->w_buffer, flagp, FALSE) == FAIL
                    || fputs(" | endif", fd) < 0
!                   || put_eol(fd) == FAIL)
                return FAIL;
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/terminal.c      2018-03-04 18:07:04.284592244 +0100
--- src/terminal.c      2018-03-09 21:27:59.970681174 +0100
*** 38,48 ****
   * in tl_scrollback are no longer used.
   * TODO:
!  * - What to store in a session file?  Shell at the prompt would be OK to
!  *   restore, but others may not.  Open the window and let the user start the
!  *   command?  Also see #2650.
!  * - Adding WinBar to terminal window doesn't display, text isn't shifted 
   * - When using 'termguicolors' still use the 16 ANSI colors as-is.  Helps for
   *   a job that uses 16 colors while Vim is using > 256.
   * - in GUI vertical split causes problems.  Cursor is flickering. (Hirohito
   *   Higashi, 2017 Sep 19)
--- 38,47 ----
   * in tl_scrollback are no longer used.
   * TODO:
!  * - Add a flag to kill the job when Vim is exiting.  Useful when it's showing
!  *   a logfile.  Or send keys there to make it quit: "exit\r" for a shell.
   * - When using 'termguicolors' still use the 16 ANSI colors as-is.  Helps for
+  * - Adding WinBar to terminal window doesn't display, text isn't shifted 
   *   a job that uses 16 colors while Vim is using > 256.
   * - in GUI vertical split causes problems.  Cursor is flickering. (Hirohito
   *   Higashi, 2017 Sep 19)
*** 135,140 ****
--- 134,142 ----
      void      *tl_winpty_config;
      void      *tl_winpty;
+ #if defined(FEAT_SESSION)
+     char_u    *tl_command;
+ #endif
      /* last known vterm size */
      int               tl_rows;
*** 487,492 ****
--- 489,540 ----
      if (without_job)
        return curbuf;
+ #if defined(FEAT_SESSION)
+     /* Remember the command for the session file. */
+     if (opt->jo_term_norestore)
+     {
+       term->tl_command = vim_strsave((char_u *)"NONE");
+     }
+     else if (argvar->v_type == VAR_STRING)
+     {
+       char_u  *cmd = argvar->vval.v_string;
+       if (cmd != NULL && STRCMP(cmd, p_sh) != 0)
+           term->tl_command = vim_strsave(cmd);
+     }
+     else if (argvar->v_type == VAR_LIST
+           && argvar->vval.v_list != NULL
+           && argvar->vval.v_list->lv_len > 0)
+     {
+       garray_T        ga;
+       listitem_T      *item;
+       ga_init2(&ga, 1, 100);
+       for (item = argvar->vval.v_list->lv_first;
+                                       item != NULL; item = item->li_next)
+       {
+           char_u *s = get_tv_string_chk(&item->li_tv);
+           char_u *p;
+           if (s == NULL)
+               break;
+           p = vim_strsave_fnameescape(s, FALSE);
+           if (p == NULL)
+               break;
+           ga_concat(&ga, p);
+           vim_free(p);
+           ga_append(&ga, ' ');
+       }
+       if (item == NULL)
+       {
+           ga_append(&ga, NUL);
+           term->tl_command = ga.ga_data;
+       }
+       else
+           ga_clear(&ga);
+     }
+ #endif
      /* System dependent: setup the vterm and maybe start the job in it. */
      if (argvar->v_type == VAR_STRING
            && argvar->vval.v_string != NULL
*** 561,566 ****
--- 609,616 ----
            opt.jo_curwin = 1;
        else if ((int)(p - cmd) == 6 && STRNICMP(cmd, "hidden", 6) == 0)
            opt.jo_hidden = 1;
+       else if ((int)(p - cmd) == 9 && STRNICMP(cmd, "norestore", 9) == 0)
+           opt.jo_term_norestore = 1;
        else if ((int)(p - cmd) == 4 && STRNICMP(cmd, "rows", 4) == 0
                && ep != NULL && isdigit(ep[1]))
*** 620,625 ****
--- 670,711 ----
+ #if defined(FEAT_SESSION) || defined(PROTO)
+ /*
+  * Write a :terminal command to the session file to restore the terminal in
+  * window "wp".
+  * Return FAIL if writing fails.
+  */
+     int
+ term_write_session(FILE *fd, win_T *wp)
+ {
+     term_T *term = wp->w_buffer->b_term;
+     /* Create the terminal and run the command.  This is not without
+      * risk, but let's assume the user only creates a session when this
+      * will be OK. */
+     if (fprintf(fd, "terminal ++curwin ++cols=%d ++rows=%d ",
+               term->tl_cols, term->tl_rows) < 0)
+       return FAIL;
+     if (term->tl_command != NULL && fputs((char *)term->tl_command, fd) < 0)
+       return FAIL;
+     return put_eol(fd);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Return TRUE if "buf" has a terminal that should be restored.
+  */
+     int
+ term_should_restore(buf_T *buf)
+ {
+     term_T    *term = buf->b_term;
+     return term != NULL && (term->tl_command == NULL
+                                    || STRCMP(term->tl_command, "NONE") != 0);
+ }
+ #endif
   * Free the scrollback buffer for "term".
*** 669,674 ****
--- 755,763 ----
+     vim_free(term->tl_command);
+ #endif
*** 4048,4053 ****
--- 4137,4165 ----
+  * "term_setrestore(buf, command)" function
+  */
+     void
+ f_term_setrestore(typval_T *argvars UNUSED, typval_T *rettv UNUSED)
+ {
+ #if defined(FEAT_SESSION)
+     buf_T     *buf = term_get_buf(argvars);
+     term_T    *term;
+     char_u    *cmd;
+     if (buf == NULL)
+       return;
+     term = buf->b_term;
+     vim_free(term->tl_command);
+     cmd = get_tv_string_chk(&argvars[1]);
+     if (cmd != NULL)
+       term->tl_command = vim_strsave(cmd);
+     else
+       term->tl_command = NULL;
+ #endif
+ }
+ /*
   * "term_start(command, options)" function
*** 4064,4070 ****
                    + JO_EXIT_CB + JO_CLOSE_CALLBACK + JO_OUT_IO,
                    + JO2_TERM_COLS + JO2_TERM_ROWS + JO2_VERTICAL + JO2_CURWIN
!                   + JO2_CWD + JO2_ENV + JO2_EOF_CHARS) == FAIL)
      if (opt.jo_vertical)
--- 4176,4183 ----
                    + JO_EXIT_CB + JO_CLOSE_CALLBACK + JO_OUT_IO,
                    + JO2_TERM_COLS + JO2_TERM_ROWS + JO2_VERTICAL + JO2_CURWIN
!                   + JO2_CWD + JO2_ENV + JO2_EOF_CHARS
!                   + JO2_NORESTORE) == FAIL)
      if (opt.jo_vertical)
*** 4566,4571 ****
--- 4679,4685 ----
      create_vterm(term, term->tl_rows, term->tl_cols);
+     /* This will change a string in "argvar". */
      term->tl_job = job_start(argvar, opt);
      if (term->tl_job != NULL)
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/proto/      2018-02-18 22:13:06.261057963 
--- src/proto/      2018-03-09 19:52:14.374022298 +0100
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,8 ----
  /* terminal.c */
  void ex_terminal(exarg_T *eap);
+ int term_write_session(FILE *fd, win_T *wp);
+ int term_should_restore(buf_T *buf);
+ void f_term_setrestore(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  void free_terminal(buf_T *buf);
  void write_to_term(buf_T *buffer, char_u *msg, channel_T *channel);
  int term_job_running(term_T *term);
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/evalfunc.c      2018-03-04 20:14:08.240064393 +0100
--- src/evalfunc.c      2018-03-09 19:52:07.566063527 +0100
*** 867,872 ****
--- 867,873 ----
      {"term_list",     0, 0, f_term_list},
      {"term_scrape",   2, 2, f_term_scrape},
      {"term_sendkeys", 2, 2, f_term_sendkeys},
+     {"term_setrestore",       2, 2, f_term_setrestore},
      {"term_start",    1, 2, f_term_start},
      {"term_wait",     1, 2, f_term_wait},
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/structs.h       2018-03-08 21:46:38.878732713 +0100
--- src/structs.h       2018-03-09 21:24:03.572169369 +0100
*** 1706,1712 ****
  #define JO2_HIDDEN        0x0400      /* "hidden" */
  #define JO2_TERM_OPENCMD    0x0800    /* "term_opencmd" */
  #define JO2_EOF_CHARS     0x1000      /* "eof_chars" */
! #define JO2_ALL                   0x1FFF
  #define JO_CB_ALL \
--- 1706,1713 ----
  #define JO2_HIDDEN        0x0400      /* "hidden" */
  #define JO2_TERM_OPENCMD    0x0800    /* "term_opencmd" */
  #define JO2_EOF_CHARS     0x1000      /* "eof_chars" */
! #define JO2_NORESTORE     0x2000      /* "norestore" */
! #define JO2_ALL                   0x2FFF
  #define JO_CB_ALL \
*** 1769,1774 ****
--- 1770,1776 ----
      int               jo_vertical;
      int               jo_curwin;
      int               jo_hidden;
+     int               jo_term_norestore;
      char_u    *jo_term_name;
      char_u    *jo_term_opencmd;
      int               jo_term_finish;
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/channel.c       2018-02-13 15:17:49.074578201 +0100
--- src/channel.c       2018-03-09 21:23:25.436407822 +0100
*** 4777,4782 ****
--- 4777,4789 ----
                opt->jo_set |= JO2_HIDDEN;
                opt->jo_hidden = get_tv_number(item);
+           else if (STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "norestore") == 0)
+           {
+               if (!(supported2 & JO2_NORESTORE))
+                   break;
+               opt->jo_set |= JO2_NORESTORE;
+               opt->jo_term_norestore = get_tv_number(item);
+           }
            else if (STRCMP(hi->hi_key, "env") == 0)
*** 5470,5475 ****
--- 5477,5483 ----
            goto theend;
  #ifdef USE_ARGV
+       /* This will modify "cmd". */
        if (mch_parse_cmd(cmd, FALSE, &argv, &argc) == FAIL)
            goto theend;
        argv[argc] = NULL;
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim       2018-02-19 
23:09:57.385619337 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_terminal.vim       2018-03-09 20:11:04.703195807 +0100
*** 30,42 ****
    return buf
- " Stops the shell started by Run_shell_in_terminal().
- func Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf)
-   call term_sendkeys(a:buf, "exit\r")
-   call WaitFor('job_status(g:job) == "dead"')
-   call assert_equal('dead', job_status(g:job))
- endfunc
  func Test_terminal_basic()
    au BufWinEnter * if &buftype == 'terminal' | let b:done = 'yes' | endif
    let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
--- 30,35 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/testdir/shared.vim      2018-02-27 21:08:48.272513006 
--- src/testdir/shared.vim      2018-03-09 20:12:00.362860532 +0100
*** 270,272 ****
--- 270,279 ----
    let line = join(chars, '')
    return matchstr(line, '^.\{-}\ze\s*$')
+ " Stops the shell running in terminal "buf".
+ func Stop_shell_in_terminal(buf)
+   call term_sendkeys(a:buf, "exit\r")
+   let job = term_getjob(a:buf)
+   call WaitFor({-> job_status(job) == "dead"})
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/testdir/test_mksession.vim      2017-08-30 
21:57:58.003077451 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_mksession.vim      2018-03-09 21:25:55.359468409 +0100
*** 7,12 ****
--- 7,14 ----
+ source shared.vim
  func Test_mksession()
    let wrap_save = &wrap
*** 99,104 ****
--- 101,107 ----
    call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
    call delete(tmpfile)
    let &wrap = wrap_save
+   set sessionoptions&
  func Test_mksession_winheight()
*** 150,155 ****
--- 153,259 ----
    call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+ if has('terminal')
+ func Test_mksession_terminal_shell()
+   terminal
+   mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+   let lines = readfile('Xtest_mks.out')
+   let term_cmd = ''
+   for line in lines
+     if line =~ '^terminal'
+       let term_cmd = line
+     elseif line =~ 'badd.*' . &shell
+       call assert_report('unexpected shell line: ' . line)
+     endif
+   endfor
+   call assert_match('terminal ++curwin ++cols=\d\+ ++rows=\d\+\s*$', term_cmd)
+   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(bufnr('%'))
+   call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+ endfunc
+ func Test_mksession_terminal_no_restore_cmdarg()
+   terminal ++norestore
+   mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+   let lines = readfile('Xtest_mks.out')
+   let term_cmd = ''
+   for line in lines
+     if line =~ '^terminal'
+       call assert_report('session must not restore teminal')
+     endif
+   endfor
+   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(bufnr('%'))
+   call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+ endfunc
+ func Test_mksession_terminal_no_restore_funcarg()
+   call term_start(&shell, {'norestore': 1})
+   mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+   let lines = readfile('Xtest_mks.out')
+   let term_cmd = ''
+   for line in lines
+     if line =~ '^terminal'
+       call assert_report('session must not restore teminal')
+     endif
+   endfor
+   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(bufnr('%'))
+   call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+ endfunc
+ func Test_mksession_terminal_no_restore_func()
+   terminal
+   call term_setrestore(bufnr('%'), 'NONE')
+   mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+   let lines = readfile('Xtest_mks.out')
+   let term_cmd = ''
+   for line in lines
+     if line =~ '^terminal'
+       call assert_report('session must not restore teminal')
+     endif
+   endfor
+   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(bufnr('%'))
+   call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+ endfunc
+ func Test_mksession_terminal_no_ssop()
+   terminal
+   set sessionoptions-=terminal
+   mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+   let lines = readfile('Xtest_mks.out')
+   let term_cmd = ''
+   for line in lines
+     if line =~ '^terminal'
+       call assert_report('session must not restore teminal')
+     endif
+   endfor
+   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(bufnr('%'))
+   call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+   set sessionoptions&
+ endfunc
+ func Test_mksession_terminal_restore_other()
+   terminal
+   call term_setrestore(bufnr('%'), 'other')
+   mksession! Xtest_mks.out
+   let lines = readfile('Xtest_mks.out')
+   let term_cmd = ''
+   for line in lines
+     if line =~ '^terminal'
+       let term_cmd = line
+     endif
+   endfor
+   call assert_match('terminal ++curwin ++cols=\d\+ ++rows=\d\+ other', 
+   call Stop_shell_in_terminal(bufnr('%'))
+   call delete('Xtest_mks.out')
+ endfunc
+ endif " has('terminal')
  " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
*** ../vim-8.0.1591/src/version.c       2018-03-08 22:03:09.867578790 +0100
--- src/version.c       2018-03-08 23:25:57.694883335 +0100
*** 768,769 ****
--- 768,771 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1592,

I recommend ordering large cargo containers of paper towels to make up
whatever budget underruns you have.  Paper products are always useful and they
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the storage area later.
                                (Scott Adams - The Dilbert principle)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
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