On Di, 03 Apr 2018, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> > On Sunday, April 1, 2018 at 6:57:13 AM UTC-4, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > > > Sorry so you can open a file xxx.py and then :sp .then run :!python 
> > > > %.(with the guioption=!)
> > > 
> > > What is in xxx.py then?
> > 
> > xxx.py has print("hello") and a blank line after.
> So no specific Python command.  Does it then also happen for other shell
> commands?

While I cannot reproduce the original problem, I noticed a strange 
problem when using `:set guioptions+=!`. If you have several vertical 
splits, those will be resized after the shell finished, messing up your 
window layout. This can be reproduced:

vim -g -u NONE -N foobar -c 'vsp'
:set guioptions+=!

Current layout looks like this:

|              |            |
|  ~           |~           |
|  ~           |~           |
|  ~           |~           |
|  ~           |~           |
|  ~           |~           |
|  ~           |~           |
|  ~           |~           |
|  ~           |~           |
:!echo 1

Now the layout will look like this:
|                        |  |
|  ~                     |~ |
|  ~                     |~ |
|  ~                     |~ |
|  ~                     |~ |
|  ~                     |~ |
|  ~                     |~ |
|  ~                     |~ |
|  ~                     |~ |

This only happens with `:set guioptions+=!`

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                -- Alexander Mitscherlich

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