
> > Is there a way to test whether vim can display a glyph with the
> > current font?

> I don't think there is a good way, because especially in the terminal
> Vim won't know what the result of a character will actually look
> like.
> Best way I can think of, put the character on the tabline. Then
> capture the result and compare using `:echo nr2char(screenchar(1,1))`
> That is probably nothing that can be done without the user noticing
> it (e.g. it most likely requires a redraw for the tabline to be
> displayed before capturing the result and then hiding and restoring 
> the tabline again).

Thanks for the idea Christian. 
So far, I've played with fc-list and with python+fontconfig module when fc-list 
is too old.

Indeed, I don't see any other native and portable way to do it, other than the 
one you propose.

I'll add a fallback based on screenchar() when the other solutions cannot be 
used. I guess I'll cache the results so the user will only have to do suffer 
from the check once.
I guess I'll require her/him to explicitly update the glyph cache when the 
plugin is ran for the first time.

Thanks again

Luc Hermitte

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