Patch 8.1.0315
Problem:    Helpgrep with language doesn't work properly. (Takuya Fujiwara)
Solution:   Check for the language earlier. (Hirohito Higashi)
Files:      src/quickfix.c, src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim

*** ../vim-8.1.0314/src/quickfix.c      2018-08-18 19:59:48.418322409 +0200
--- src/quickfix.c      2018-08-21 21:47:55.412902244 +0200
*** 5385,5391 ****
      if (qf_restore_list(qi, save_qfid) == FAIL)
        goto theend;
!     /* Jump to first match. */
      if (!qf_list_empty(qi, qi->qf_curlist))
        if ((flags & VGR_NOJUMP) == 0)
--- 5385,5391 ----
      if (qf_restore_list(qi, save_qfid) == FAIL)
        goto theend;
!     // Jump to first match.
      if (!qf_list_empty(qi, qi->qf_curlist))
        if ((flags & VGR_NOJUMP) == 0)
*** 6844,6859 ****
   * Search for a pattern in all the help files in the 'runtimepath'
   * and add the matches to a quickfix list.
!  * 'arg' is the language specifier.  If supplied, then only matches in the
   * specified language are found.
      static void
! hgr_search_in_rtp(qf_info_T *qi, regmatch_T *p_regmatch, char_u *arg)
      char_u    *p;
-     char_u    *lang;
- #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      vimconv_T vc;
--- 6844,6856 ----
   * Search for a pattern in all the help files in the 'runtimepath'
   * and add the matches to a quickfix list.
!  * 'lang' is the language specifier.  If supplied, then only matches in the
   * specified language are found.
      static void
! hgr_search_in_rtp(qf_info_T *qi, regmatch_T *p_regmatch, char_u *lang)
      char_u    *p;
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
      vimconv_T vc;
*** 6865,6874 ****
        convert_setup(&vc, (char_u *)"utf-8", p_enc);
-     /* Check for a specified language */
-     lang = check_help_lang(arg);
- #endif
      /* Go through all the directories in 'runtimepath' */
      p = p_rtp;
--- 6862,6867 ----
*** 6903,6908 ****
--- 6896,6902 ----
      qf_info_T *qi = &ql_info;
      int               new_qi = FALSE;
      char_u    *au_name =  NULL;
+     char_u    *lang = NULL;
      switch (eap->cmdidx)
*** 6919,6925 ****
!     /* Make 'cpoptions' empty, the 'l' flag should not be used here. */
      save_cpo = p_cpo;
      p_cpo = empty_option;
--- 6913,6919 ----
!     // Make 'cpoptions' empty, the 'l' flag should not be used here.
      save_cpo = p_cpo;
      p_cpo = empty_option;
*** 6930,6943 ****
      regmatch.regprog = vim_regcomp(eap->arg, RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING);
      regmatch.rm_ic = FALSE;
      if (regmatch.regprog != NULL)
!       /* create a new quickfix list */
        qf_new_list(qi, qf_cmdtitle(*eap->cmdlinep));
!       hgr_search_in_rtp(qi, &regmatch, eap->arg);
--- 6924,6941 ----
+     // Check for a specified language
+     lang = check_help_lang(eap->arg);
+ #endif
      regmatch.regprog = vim_regcomp(eap->arg, RE_MAGIC + RE_STRING);
      regmatch.rm_ic = FALSE;
      if (regmatch.regprog != NULL)
!       // create a new quickfix list
        qf_new_list(qi, qf_cmdtitle(*eap->cmdlinep));
!       hgr_search_in_rtp(qi, &regmatch, lang);
*** 6950,6956 ****
      if (p_cpo == empty_option)
        p_cpo = save_cpo;
!       /* Darn, some plugin changed the value. */
      qf_list_changed(qi, qi->qf_curlist);
--- 6948,6954 ----
      if (p_cpo == empty_option)
        p_cpo = save_cpo;
!       // Darn, some plugin changed the value.
      qf_list_changed(qi, qi->qf_curlist);
*** 6973,6980 ****
      if (eap->cmdidx == CMD_lhelpgrep)
!       /* If the help window is not opened or if it already points to the
!        * correct location list, then free the new location list. */
        if (!bt_help(curwin->w_buffer) || curwin->w_llist == qi)
            if (new_qi)
--- 6971,6978 ----
      if (eap->cmdidx == CMD_lhelpgrep)
!       // If the help window is not opened or if it already points to the
!       // correct location list, then free the new location list.
        if (!bt_help(curwin->w_buffer) || curwin->w_llist == qi)
            if (new_qi)
*** ../vim-8.1.0314/src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim       2018-08-15 
22:29:46.977604162 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_quickfix.vim       2018-08-21 21:44:49.058013219 +0200
*** 3091,3096 ****
--- 3091,3110 ----
    call Xqftick_tests('l')
+ " Test helpgrep with lang specifier
+ func Xtest_helpgrep_with_lang_specifier(cchar)
+   call s:setup_commands(a:cchar)
+   Xhelpgrep Vim@en
+   call assert_equal('help', &filetype)
+   call assert_notequal(0, g:Xgetlist({'nr' : '$'}).nr)
+   new | only
+ endfunc
+ func Test_helpgrep_with_lang_specifier()
+   call Xtest_helpgrep_with_lang_specifier('c')
+   call Xtest_helpgrep_with_lang_specifier('l')
+ endfunc
  " The following test used to crash Vim.
  " Open the location list window and close the regular window associated with
  " the location list. When the garbage collection runs now, it incorrectly
*** ../vim-8.1.0314/src/version.c       2018-08-21 21:09:02.598739663 +0200
--- src/version.c       2018-08-21 21:50:24.460013769 +0200
*** 796,797 ****
--- 796,799 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     315,

BLACK KNIGHT: None shall pass.
ARTHUR:       I have no quarrel with you, brave Sir knight, but I must cross
              this bridge.
BLACK KNIGHT: Then you shall die.
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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