On Monday, January 7, 2019 at 8:55:21 AM UTC+13, 38spl wrote:
> the following is valid bash(1) code to trim the last character of a string:
> string="${string::$((${#string}-1))}"
> The characters in bold above are highlighted as if they are syntax errors.

>From :help sh.vim:

    One may specify a global default by instantiating one of the following
    variables in your <.vimrc>:
        let g:is_bash = 1
    If there's no "#! ..." line, and the user hasn't availed himself/herself of 
a default sh.vim syntax setting as just shown, then syntax/sh.vim will assume 
the Bourne shell syntax.

If I add a shebang line, #/bin/bash, or I let g:is_bash = 1 in my .vimrc, that 
line of code is highlighted without indicating an error.

So, in your vim, what does this say: 

    :echo b:is_bash

if it says E121: Undefined variable: b:is_bash then the code has not been 
recognized as bash.

Note that setting is_bash doesn't have an effect immediately, only after a 
reload or otherwise re-executing the syntax script, by, say, turning syntax off 
and on.

Regards, John Little

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