Yegappan wrote:

> I came across the following threads that discuss about the need
> for a command to jump to the next quickfix entry relative to the
> current file:
> I think we can add :cfnext and :cfprev commands that jump to the
> quickfix entry relative to the current file. We will also need corresponding
> :lfnext and :lfprev commands for the location list. If the current file
> doesn't have any associated quickfix entry, then these commands will
> not move the cursor.
> An alternative approach is to add a :cfjump command that jumps to
> the quickfix entry nearest to the current line in the current file.
> Any comments/suggestions on these new commands?

Sounds useful.  I sometimes grep to find matches, then move around.
Currently I would search for the same pattern, having a command would be

To be clear: the commands would jumpt to the next (or previous) quickfix
entry relative to the cursor position.

For the command names: how about :cabove and :cbelow ?
I find "cfnext" cryptic, it's too much like ":cnext" and can be confused
with "cnfile"

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