* Dominique Pellé <dominique.pe...@gmail.com> [2019-04-28 08:20 +0200]:

> Elimar Riesebieter <riese...@lxtec.de> wrote:
> > From test_termcodes.vim:
> > Found errors in Test_xterm_mouse_middle_click():
> > Caught exception in Test_xterm_mouse_middle_click(): Vim(let):E354: Invalid 
> > register name: '*' @ function 
> > RunTheTest[40]..Test_xterm_mouse_middle_click, line 6
> >
> > Elimar
> Can you send the output of command  ":version" ?

It will show "+clipboard" as that machine has a running X and the
gtk3 gui version installed. Anyway the build was initialised within
a remote tmux session, though.

> I suppose that Test_xterm_mouse_middle_click() should be skipped
> if 'clipboard' feature is not available, since it uses register @*.
> Please check that the attached patch.

That patch seems to fix the issue.

Thanks for cooperation
  Never make anything simple and efficient when a way
  can be found to make it complex and wonderful ;-)

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