Patch 8.1.1285
Problem:    Test17 is old style.
Solution:   Turn into new style test. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #4347)
Files:      src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/Make_vms.mms,
            src/testdir/, src/testdir/test17.ok,
            src/testdir/, src/testdir/test_checkpath.vim,

*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/Makefile        2019-05-01 18:08:38.267237229 +0200
--- src/Makefile        2019-05-06 21:56:13.787318060 +0200
*** 2175,2181 ****
  # These do not depend on the executable, compile it when needed.
  test1 \
        test_eval \
!       test3 test17 \
        test29 test30 test37 test39 \
        test42 test44 test48 test49 \
        test52 test59 \
--- 2176,2182 ----
  # These do not depend on the executable, compile it when needed.
  test1 \
        test_eval \
!       test3 \
        test29 test30 test37 test39 \
        test42 test44 test48 test49 \
        test52 test59 \
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/testdir/Make_all.mak    2019-05-04 21:08:17.119814244 
--- src/testdir/Make_all.mak    2019-05-06 21:56:13.787318060 +0200
*** 44,50 ****
  # Tests that run on most systems, but not on VMS
-       test17.out \
        test30.out \
        test59.out \
        test72.out \
--- 44,49 ----
*** 82,87 ****
--- 81,87 ----
        test_channel \
        test_charsearch \
        test_charsearch_utf8 \
+       test_checkpath \
        test_cindent \
        test_clientserver \
        test_close_count \
*** 302,307 ****
--- 302,308 ----
        test_changelist.res \
        test_channel.res \
        test_charsearch.res \
+       test_checkpath.res \
        test_cindent.res \
        test_clientserver.res \
        test_close_count.res \
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/testdir/Make_vms.mms    2019-04-27 18:00:29.851064563 
--- src/testdir/Make_vms.mms    2019-05-06 21:56:13.787318060 +0200
*** 83,89 ****
  # Known problems:
- # test17: ?
  # test30: bug, most probably - a problem around mac format
--- 83,88 ----
*** 102,108 ****
! SCRIPT_UNIX = test10.out test17.out test27.out test49.out
--- 101,107 ----
! SCRIPT_UNIX = test10.out test27.out test49.out
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/testdir/       2016-06-08 21:39:44.000000000 
--- src/testdir/       1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
*** 1,135 ****
- Tests for:
- - "gf" on ${VAR},
- - ":checkpath!" with various 'include' settings.
- :so small.vim
- :if has("ebcdic")
- : set isfname=@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
- :else
- : set isfname=@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
- :endif
- :"
- :if has("unix")
- :let $CDIR = "."
- :else
- :if has("amiga")
- :let $TDIR = "/testdir"
- :else
- :let $TDIR = "."
- :endif
- :endif
- :" Dummy writing for making that sure gf doesn't fail even if the current
- :" file is modified. It can be occurred when executing the following command
- :" directly on Windows without fixing the 'fileformat':
- :"  > nmake -f Make_dos.mak test17.out
- :w! test.out
- gf
- :set ff=unix
- :w! test.out
- :brewind
-       ${CDIR}/
-       $TDIR/
- :" check for 'include' without \zs or \ze
- :lang C
- :call delete("./Xbase.a")
- :call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
- :!mkdir Xdir1
- :!mkdir "Xdir1/dir2"
- :e! Xdir1/dir2/foo.a
- i#include   "bar.a" :
- :w
- :e Xdir1/dir2/bar.a
- i#include      "baz.a" :
- :w
- :e Xdir1/dir2/baz.a
- i#include            "foo.a" :
- :w
- :e Xbase.a
- :set path=Xdir1/dir2
- i#include    <foo.a> :
- :w
- :redir! >>test.out
- :checkpath!
- :redir END
- :brewind
- :" check for 'include' with \zs and \ze
- :call delete("./Xbase.b")
- :call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
- :!mkdir Xdir1
- :!mkdir "Xdir1/dir2"
- :let &include='^\s*%inc\s*/\zs[^/]\+\ze'
- :function! DotsToSlashes()
- :  return substitute(v:fname, '\.', '/', 'g') . '.b'
- :endfunction
- :let &includeexpr='DotsToSlashes()'
- :e! Xdir1/dir2/foo.b
- i%inc   /bar/ :
- :w
- :e Xdir1/dir2/bar.b
- i%inc      /baz/ :
- :w
- :e Xdir1/dir2/baz.b
- i%inc            /foo/ :
- :w
- :e Xbase.b
- :set path=Xdir1/dir2
- i%inc    /foo/ :
- :w
- :redir! >>test.out
- :checkpath!
- :redir END
- :brewind
- :" check for 'include' with \zs and no \ze
- :call delete("./Xbase.c")
- :call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
- :!mkdir Xdir1
- :!mkdir "Xdir1/dir2"
- :let &include='^\s*%inc\s*\%([[:upper:]][^[:space:]]*\s\+\)\?\zs\S\+\ze'
- :function! StripNewlineChar()
- :  if v:fname =~ '\n$'
- :    return v:fname[:-2]
- :  endif
- :  return v:fname
- :endfunction
- :let &includeexpr='StripNewlineChar()'
- :e! Xdir1/dir2/foo.c
- i%inc   bar.c :
- :w
- :e Xdir1/dir2/bar.c
- i%inc      baz.c :
- :w
- :e Xdir1/dir2/baz.c
- i%inc            foo.c :
- :w
- :e Xdir1/dir2/FALSE.c
- i%inc            foo.c :
- :w
- :e Xbase.c
- :set path=Xdir1/dir2
- i%inc    FALSE.c foo.c :
- :w
- :redir! >>test.out
- :checkpath!
- :redir END
- :brewind
- :" change "\" to "/" for Windows and fix 'fileformat'
- :e test.out
- :%s#\\#/#g
- :set ff&
- :w
- :q
--- 0 ----
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/testdir/test17.ok       2013-07-03 22:19:18.000000000 
--- src/testdir/test17.ok       1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
*** 1,33 ****
- This file is just to test "gf" in test 17.
- The contents is not important.
- Just testing!
- --- Included files in path ---
- Xdir1/dir2/foo.a
- Xdir1/dir2/foo.a -->
-   Xdir1/dir2/bar.a
-   Xdir1/dir2/bar.a -->
-     Xdir1/dir2/baz.a
-     Xdir1/dir2/baz.a -->
-       "foo.a"  (Already listed)
- --- Included files in path ---
- Xdir1/dir2/foo.b
- Xdir1/dir2/foo.b -->
-   Xdir1/dir2/bar.b
-   Xdir1/dir2/bar.b -->
-     Xdir1/dir2/baz.b
-     Xdir1/dir2/baz.b -->
-       foo  (Already listed)
- --- Included files in path ---
- Xdir1/dir2/foo.c
- Xdir1/dir2/foo.c -->
-   Xdir1/dir2/bar.c
-   Xdir1/dir2/bar.c -->
-     Xdir1/dir2/baz.c
-     Xdir1/dir2/baz.c -->
-       foo.c  (Already listed)
--- 0 ----
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/testdir/      2010-08-04 16:06:51.000000000 
--- src/testdir/      1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
*** 1,3 ****
- This file is just to test "gf" in test 17.
- The contents is not important.
- Just testing!
--- 0 ----
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/testdir/test_checkpath.vim      2019-05-06 
21:59:14.610357666 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_checkpath.vim      2019-05-06 21:56:13.787318060 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,104 ----
+ " Tests for the :checkpath command
+ " Test for 'include' without \zs or \ze
+ func Test_checkpath1()
+   call mkdir("Xdir1/dir2", "p")
+   call writefile(['#include    "bar.a"'], 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.a')
+   call writefile(['#include    "baz.a"'], 'Xdir1/dir2/bar.a')
+   call writefile(['#include    "foo.a"'], 'Xdir1/dir2/baz.a')
+   call writefile(['#include    <foo.a>'], 'Xbase.a')
+   edit Xbase.a
+   set path=Xdir1/dir2
+   let res = split(execute("checkpath!"), "\n")
+   call assert_equal([
+             \ '--- Included files in path ---',
+             \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.a',
+             \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.a -->',
+             \ '  Xdir1/dir2/bar.a',
+             \ '  Xdir1/dir2/bar.a -->',
+             \ '    Xdir1/dir2/baz.a',
+             \ '    Xdir1/dir2/baz.a -->',
+             \ '      "foo.a"  (Already listed)'], res)
+   enew
+   call delete("./Xbase.a")
+   call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
+   set path&
+ endfunc
+ func DotsToSlashes()
+   return substitute(v:fname, '\.', '/', 'g') . '.b'
+ endfunc
+ " Test for 'include' with \zs and \ze
+ func Test_checkpath2()
+   call mkdir("Xdir1/dir2", "p")
+   call writefile(['%inc    /bar/'], 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.b')
+   call writefile(['%inc    /baz/'], 'Xdir1/dir2/bar.b')
+   call writefile(['%inc    /foo/'], 'Xdir1/dir2/baz.b')
+   call writefile(['%inc    /foo/'], 'Xbase.b')
+   let &include='^\s*%inc\s*/\zs[^/]\+\ze'
+   let &includeexpr='DotsToSlashes()'
+   edit Xbase.b
+   set path=Xdir1/dir2
+   let res = split(execute("checkpath!"), "\n")
+   call assert_equal([
+             \ '--- Included files in path ---',
+             \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.b',
+             \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.b -->',
+             \ '  Xdir1/dir2/bar.b',
+             \ '  Xdir1/dir2/bar.b -->',
+             \ '    Xdir1/dir2/baz.b',
+             \ '    Xdir1/dir2/baz.b -->',
+             \ '      foo  (Already listed)'], res)
+   enew
+   call delete("./Xbase.b")
+   call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
+   set path&
+   set include&
+   set includeexpr&
+ endfunc
+ func StripNewlineChar()
+   if v:fname =~ '\n$'
+     return v:fname[:-2]
+   endif
+   return v:fname
+ endfunc
+ " Test for 'include' with \zs and no \ze
+ func Test_checkpath3()
+   call mkdir("Xdir1/dir2", "p")
+   call writefile(['%inc    bar.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.c')
+   call writefile(['%inc    baz.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/bar.c')
+   call writefile(['%inc    foo.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/baz.c')
+   call writefile(['%inc    foo.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/FALSE.c')
+   call writefile(['%inc    FALSE.c foo.c'], 'Xbase.c')
+   let &include='^\s*%inc\s*\%([[:upper:]][^[:space:]]*\s\+\)\?\zs\S\+\ze'
+   let &includeexpr='StripNewlineChar()'
+   edit Xbase.c
+   set path=Xdir1/dir2
+   let res = split(execute("checkpath!"), "\n")
+   call assert_equal([
+             \ '--- Included files in path ---',
+             \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.c',
+             \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.c -->',
+             \ '  Xdir1/dir2/bar.c',
+             \ '  Xdir1/dir2/bar.c -->',
+             \ '    Xdir1/dir2/baz.c',
+             \ '    Xdir1/dir2/baz.c -->',
+             \ '      foo.c  (Already listed)'], res)
+   enew
+   call delete("./Xbase.c")
+   call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
+   set path&
+   set include&
+   set includeexpr&
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/testdir/test_gf.vim     2019-03-09 12:32:50.673562149 
--- src/testdir/test_gf.vim     2019-05-06 21:56:13.787318060 +0200
*** 64,66 ****
--- 64,101 ----
    bwipe Xfile
    bwipe Xfile2
+ " Test for invoking 'gf' on a ${VAR} variable
+ func Test_gf()
+   if has("ebcdic")
+     set isfname=@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
+   else
+     set isfname=@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
+   endif
+   call writefile(["Test for gf command"], "Xtest1")
+   if has("unix")
+     call writefile(["    ${CDIR}/Xtest1"], "Xtestgf")
+   else
+     call writefile(["    $TDIR/Xtest1"], "Xtestgf")
+   endif
+   new Xtestgf
+   if has("unix")
+     let $CDIR = "."
+     /CDIR
+   else
+     if has("amiga")
+       let $TDIR = "/testdir"
+     else
+       let $TDIR = "."
+     endif
+     /TDIR
+   endif
+   normal gf
+   call assert_equal('Xtest1', fnamemodify(bufname(''), ":t"))
+   close!
+   call delete('Xtest1')
+   call delete('Xtestgf')
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.1.1284/src/version.c       2019-05-06 21:46:05.062544448 +0200
--- src/version.c       2019-05-06 21:57:17.606979162 +0200
*** 769,770 ****
--- 769,772 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1285,

Biting someone with your natural teeth is "simple assault," while biting
someone with your false teeth is "aggravated assault."
                [real standing law in Louisana, United States of America]

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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