> That doesn't look right, because there should not be a complete json message. 
> If there is, perhaps a call to parse it is missing?
> Perhaps a call to channel_parse_json() is needed. 

Yes, maybe there is a channel_parse_json() missing somewhere. But as the flow 
log shows it's also a channel_parse_messages()-call missing.

> If the JSON is incomplete we need to receive more text to be able to parse 
> it.  Thus we might as well block on receiving something.

Thing is, I think that the JSON is actually complete, but since 
channel_parse_messages() isn't called it never gets the chance to parse the 
JSON content. That's how I read the logs at least.

> So what is in those 64 bytes?  If you look in the channel log it should be 
> there.  You don't quote from a channel log, did you use ch_logfile()? 

That was just pseudo-logs handwritten :) I ran it again and this time include 
what is actually read from the channel in channel_read().

Since I do get a few signs placed I can see in the log how it looks like when 
it works, this is one of the signs that gets placed:
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
channel_read() is called from RealWaitForChar(), it reads 63 bytes into the 
channel_save() is called from channel_read() with the buffer that starts with:
[0,[34,"call","sign_place",0,"govim","govimerr",1,{"lnum":6}]] (and 0x0a at the 
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
channel_parse_messages() is called from parse_queued_messages()
channel_peek is called (for part 0)
channel_get_json is called
channel_parse_json is called
channel_peek is called (for part 1)
channel_get_json is called
channel_peek is called (for part 0)
channel_get_json is called
channel_parse_json is called
channel_peek is called (for part 1)
channel_get_json is called
channel_get_json is called
channel_parse_json is called
channel_peek is called (for part 2)
channel_get_json is called

And when it doesn't work it never gets to the channel_parse_messages() call:
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
channel_read() is called from RealWaitForChar(), it reads 64 bytes into the 
channel_save() is called from channel_read() with the buffer that starts with:
[0,[41,"call","sign_place",0,"govim","govimerr",1,{"lnum":12}]] (and 0x0a at 
the end)
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
RealWaitForChar() is called with 0 delay
channel_peek is called (part 0, I don't know from where)
channel_peek is called (part 0, I don't know from where)
RealWaitForChar() is called with -1 (as wait_func)

Ok, so I see what you referred to with:
> In inchar_loop() it should call parse_queued_messages() before blocking, 

I did run again and logged the inchar_loop() calls, there are only two in the 
entire run and both with -1 as wtime.

So, we end up inside inchar_loop(), before calling wait_func() with a wait_time 
value set to -1 (that will block).
And to ensure that parse_queued_messages() are called before sleeping, either 
has_pending_job() or channel_any_readahead() must return TRUE, right?

That would explain why the patch to channel_any_readahead() works, since it 
will make it return TRUE?
Or should it be another check to ensure that parse_queued_messages() is called 
before blocking?

Best regards, Pontus

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