* Bram Moolenaar <b...@moolenaar.net> [2019-07-03 21:40 +0200]:

> Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> > * Elimar Riesebieter <riese...@lxtec.de> [2019-07-02 12:41 +0200]:
> > 
> >  Building vim-8.1.1616 ATHENA variant on ppc32 (linux) euns smooth
> >  but there is a test failure:
> >  
> >  Failures:
> >          From test_diffmode.vim:
> >          Found errors in Test_diff_screen():
> >          Run 1:
> >          function 
> > RunTheTest[40]..Test_diff_screen[112]..VerifyInternal[4]..VerifyScreenDump 
> > line 55: See dump file difference: call 
> > term_dumpdiff("testdir/failed/Test_diff_17.dump", 
> > "testdir/dumps/Test_diff_17.dump"); difference in line 1: "| 
> > +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1>a+0#0000000#ffffff0| @33||+1&&| 
> > +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|a+0#0000000#ffffff0| @33"; difference in line 4: "| 
> > +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|-+0#4040ff13#afffff255@34||+1#0000000#ffffff0| 
> > +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1| +0#0000000#5fd7ff255@34"; difference in line 5: "| 
> > +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|e+0#0000000#ffffff0|f| @32||+1&&| 
> > +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|e+0#0000000#ffffff0|f| @32"; difference in line 6: 
> > "| +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|x+2#0000000#ff404010@2| 
> > +0&#ffd7ff255@31||+1&#ffffff0| 
> > +0#0000e05#a8a8a8255@1|y+2#0000000#ff404010@2| +0&#ffd7ff255@31"; 
> > difference in line 20: "|"+0&&|X|f|i|l|e|2|"| |5|L|,| |1|3|C| @58"
> It looks like the command to set 'diffopt' did not arrive.
> I cannot reproduce.
> Can you try adding a term_wait() call in VerifyInternal() in
> src/testdir/test_diffmode.vim:
> " Verify a screendump with the internal diff only.
> func VerifyInternal(buf, dumpfile, extra)
>   call term_sendkeys(a:buf, ":diffupdate!\<CR>")
>   " trailing : for leaving the cursor on the command line
>   call term_sendkeys(a:buf, ":set diffopt=internal,filler" . a:extra . 
> "\<CR>:")
>   call term_wait(a:buf)
>   call VerifyScreenDump(a:buf, a:dumpfile, {})
> endfunc

It builds just fine in a second attempt.

  Never make anything simple and efficient when a way
  can be found to make it complex and wonderful ;-)

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