Patch 8.1.1743
Problem:    'hlsearch' and match highlighting in the wrong place.
Solution:   Move highlighting from inside screen functions to highlight.c.
Files:      src/screen.c, src/highlight.c, src/proto/

*** ../vim-8.1.1742/src/screen.c        2019-07-21 14:50:15.379092378 +0200
--- src/screen.c        2019-07-24 18:05:55.565571733 +0200
*** 104,110 ****
  static int    screen_cur_row, screen_cur_col; /* last known cursor position */
! static match_T search_hl;     /* used for 'hlsearch' highlight matching */
--- 104,110 ----
  static int    screen_cur_row, screen_cur_col; /* last known cursor position */
! static match_T search_hl;     // used for 'hlsearch' highlight matching
*** 135,147 ****
  static void redraw_custom_statusline(win_T *wp);
  static void start_search_hl(void);
  static void end_search_hl(void);
- static void init_search_hl(win_T *wp);
- static void prepare_search_hl(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum);
- static void next_search_hl(win_T *win, match_T *shl, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T 
mincol, matchitem_T *cur);
- static int next_search_hl_pos(match_T *shl, linenr_T lnum, posmatch_T *pos, 
colnr_T mincol);
  static void screen_char(unsigned off, int row, int col);
  static void screen_char_2(unsigned off, int row, int col);
--- 135,142 ----
*** 1172,1178 ****
!     init_search_hl(wp);
--- 1167,1173 ----
!     init_search_hl(wp, &search_hl);
*** 2090,2096 ****
!               prepare_search_hl(wp, lnum);
  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
                /* Let the syntax stuff know we skipped a few lines. */
--- 2085,2091 ----
!               prepare_search_hl(wp, &search_hl, lnum);
  #ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
                /* Let the syntax stuff know we skipped a few lines. */
*** 3273,3289 ****
      int               sign_present = FALSE;
      sign_attrs_T sattr;
-     matchitem_T *cur;                 /* points to the match list */
-     match_T   *shl;                   /* points to search_hl or a match */
-     int               shl_flag;               /* flag to indicate whether 
-                                          has been processed or not */
-     int               pos_inprogress;         /* marks that position match 
search is
-                                          in progress */
-     int               prevcol_hl_flag;        /* flag to indicate whether 
-                                          equals startcol of search_hl or one
-                                          of the matches */
- #endif
  #ifdef FEAT_ARABIC
      int               prev_c = 0;             /* previous Arabic character */
      int               prev_c1 = 0;            /* first composing char for 
prev_c */
--- 3268,3273 ----
*** 3808,3872 ****
!     /*
!      * Handle highlighting the last used search pattern and matches.
!      * Do this for both search_hl and the match list.
!      * Do not use search_hl in a popup window.
!      */
!     cur = wp->w_match_head;
!     shl_flag = (screen_line_flags & SLF_POPUP);
!     while ((cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE) && !number_only)
-       if (shl_flag == FALSE)
-       {
-           shl = &search_hl;
-           shl_flag = TRUE;
-       }
-       else
-           shl = &cur->hl;
-       shl->startcol = MAXCOL;
-       shl->endcol = MAXCOL;
-       shl->attr_cur = 0;
-       shl->is_addpos = FALSE;
        v = (long)(ptr - line);
!       if (cur != NULL)
!           cur->pos.cur = 0;
!       next_search_hl(wp, shl, lnum, (colnr_T)v,
!                                              shl == &search_hl ? NULL : cur);
!       /* Need to get the line again, a multi-line regexp may have made it
!        * invalid. */
!       line = ml_get_buf(wp->w_buffer, lnum, FALSE);
!       ptr = line + v;
!       if (shl->lnum != 0 && shl->lnum <= lnum)
!       {
!           if (shl->lnum == lnum)
!               shl->startcol = shl->rm.startpos[0].col;
!           else
!               shl->startcol = 0;
!           if (lnum == shl->lnum + shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum
!                                               - shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum)
!               shl->endcol = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
!           else
!               shl->endcol = MAXCOL;
!           /* Highlight one character for an empty match. */
!           if (shl->startcol == shl->endcol)
!           {
!               if (has_mbyte && line[shl->endcol] != NUL)
!                   shl->endcol += (*mb_ptr2len)(line + shl->endcol);
!               else
!                   ++shl->endcol;
!           }
!           if ((long)shl->startcol < v)  /* match at leftcol */
!           {
!               shl->attr_cur = shl->attr;
!               search_attr = shl->attr;
!           }
!           area_highlighting = TRUE;
!       }
!       if (shl != &search_hl && cur != NULL)
!           cur = cur->next;
--- 3792,3803 ----
!     if (!number_only)
        v = (long)(ptr - line);
!       area_highlighting |= prepare_search_hl_line(wp, lnum, (colnr_T)v,
!                                             &line, &search_hl, &search_attr);
!       ptr = line + v; // "line" may have been updated
*** 4247,4378 ****
            if (!n_extra)
!                * Check for start/end of search pattern match.
                 * After end, check for start/end of next match.
                 * When another match, have to check for start again.
-                * Watch out for matching an empty string!
-                * Do this for 'search_hl' and the match list (ordered by
-                * priority).
                v = (long)(ptr - line);
!               cur = wp->w_match_head;
!               shl_flag = FALSE;
!               while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
!               {
!                   if (shl_flag == FALSE
!                           && ((cur != NULL
!                                   && cur->priority > SEARCH_HL_PRIORITY)
!                               || cur == NULL))
!                   {
!                       shl = &search_hl;
!                       shl_flag = TRUE;
!                       if (screen_line_flags & SLF_POPUP)
!                           continue;  // do not use search_hl
!                   }
!                   else
!                       shl = &cur->hl;
!                   if (cur != NULL)
!                       cur->pos.cur = 0;
!                   pos_inprogress = TRUE;
!                   while (shl->rm.regprog != NULL
!                                          || (cur != NULL && pos_inprogress))
!                   {
!                       if (shl->startcol != MAXCOL
!                               && v >= (long)shl->startcol
!                               && v < (long)shl->endcol)
!                       {
!                           int tmp_col = v + MB_PTR2LEN(ptr);
!                           if (shl->endcol < tmp_col)
!                               shl->endcol = tmp_col;
!                           shl->attr_cur = shl->attr;
!                           // Match with the "Conceal" group results in hiding
!                           // the match.
!                           if (cur != NULL
!                                   && shl != &search_hl
!                                   && syn_name2id((char_u *)"Conceal")
!                                                               == cur->hlg_id)
!                           {
!                               has_match_conc =
!                                            v == (long)shl->startcol ? 2 : 1;
!                               match_conc = cur->conceal_char;
!                           }
!                           else
!                               has_match_conc = match_conc = 0;
! #endif
!                       }
!                       else if (v == (long)shl->endcol)
!                       {
!                           shl->attr_cur = 0;
!                           next_search_hl(wp, shl, lnum, (colnr_T)v,
!                                              shl == &search_hl ? NULL : cur);
!                           pos_inprogress = cur == NULL || cur->pos.cur == 0
!                                                              ? FALSE : TRUE;
!                           /* Need to get the line again, a multi-line regexp
!                            * may have made it invalid. */
!                           line = ml_get_buf(wp->w_buffer, lnum, FALSE);
!                           ptr = line + v;
!                           if (shl->lnum == lnum)
!                           {
!                               shl->startcol = shl->rm.startpos[0].col;
!                               if (shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum == 0)
!                                   shl->endcol = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
!                               else
!                                   shl->endcol = MAXCOL;
!                               if (shl->startcol == shl->endcol)
!                               {
!                                   /* highlight empty match, try again after
!                                    * it */
!                                   if (has_mbyte)
!                                       shl->endcol += (*mb_ptr2len)(line
!                                                              + shl->endcol);
!                                   else
!                                       ++shl->endcol;
!                               }
!                               /* Loop to check if the match starts at the
!                                * current position */
!                               continue;
!                           }
!                       }
!                       break;
!                   }
!                   if (shl != &search_hl && cur != NULL)
!                       cur = cur->next;
!               }
!               /* Use attributes from match with highest priority among
!                * 'search_hl' and the match list. */
!               cur = wp->w_match_head;
!               shl_flag = FALSE;
!               search_attr = 0;
!               while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
!               {
!                   if (shl_flag == FALSE
!                           && ((cur != NULL
!                                   && cur->priority > SEARCH_HL_PRIORITY)
!                               || cur == NULL))
!                   {
!                       shl = &search_hl;
!                       shl_flag = TRUE;
!                       if (screen_line_flags & SLF_POPUP)
!                           continue;  // do not use search_hl
!                   }
!                   else
!                       shl = &cur->hl;
!                   if (shl->attr_cur != 0)
!                       search_attr = shl->attr_cur;
!                   if (shl != &search_hl && cur != NULL)
!                       cur = cur->next;
!               }
!               /* Only highlight one character after the last column. */
!               if (*ptr == NUL && (did_line_attr >= 1
!                                   || (wp->w_p_list && lcs_eol_one == -1)))
!                   search_attr = 0;
--- 4178,4192 ----
            if (!n_extra)
!                * Check for start/end of 'hlsearch' and other matches.
                 * After end, check for start/end of next match.
                 * When another match, have to check for start again.
                v = (long)(ptr - line);
!               search_attr = update_search_hl(wp, lnum, (colnr_T)v, &line,
!                                     &search_hl, &has_match_conc, &match_conc,
!                                     did_line_attr, lcs_eol_one);
!               ptr = line + v;  // "line" may have been changed
*** 5561,5595 ****
                ) && eol_hl_off == 0)
!           long prevcol = (long)(ptr - line) - (c == NUL);
!           /* we're not really at that column when skipping some text */
!           if ((long)(wp->w_p_wrap ? wp->w_skipcol : wp->w_leftcol) > prevcol)
!               ++prevcol;
! #endif
!           /* Invert at least one char, used for Visual and empty line or
!            * highlight match at end of line. If it's beyond the last
!            * char on the screen, just overwrite that one (tricky!)  Not
!            * needed when a '$' was displayed for 'list'. */
!           prevcol_hl_flag = FALSE;
!           if (!search_hl.is_addpos && prevcol == (long)search_hl.startcol)
!               prevcol_hl_flag = TRUE;
!           else
!           {
!               cur = wp->w_match_head;
!               while (cur != NULL)
!               {
!                   if (!cur->hl.is_addpos && prevcol == (long)cur->hl.startcol)
!                   {
!                       prevcol_hl_flag = TRUE;
!                       break;
!                   }
!                   cur = cur->next;
!               }
!           }
! #endif
            if (lcs_eol == lcs_eol_one
                    && ((area_attr != 0 && vcol == fromcol
                            && (VIsual_mode != Ctrl_V
--- 5375,5389 ----
                ) && eol_hl_off == 0)
!           // flag to indicate whether prevcol equals startcol of search_hl or
!           // one of the matches
!           int prevcol_hl_flag = get_prevcol_hl_flag(wp, &search_hl,
!                                             (long)(ptr - line) - (c == NUL));
! #endif
!           // Invert at least one char, used for Visual and empty line or
!           // highlight match at end of line. If it's beyond the last
!           // char on the screen, just overwrite that one (tricky!)  Not
!           // needed when a '$' was displayed for 'list'.
            if (lcs_eol == lcs_eol_one
                    && ((area_attr != 0 && vcol == fromcol
                            && (VIsual_mode != Ctrl_V
*** 5597,5604 ****
                                || lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
                            && c == NUL)
!                       /* highlight 'hlsearch' match at end of line */
!                       || (prevcol_hl_flag == TRUE
  # ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
                            && !(wp->w_p_cul && lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum
                                    && !(wp == curwin && VIsual_active))
--- 5391,5398 ----
                                || lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
                            && c == NUL)
!                       // highlight 'hlsearch' match at end of line
!                       || (prevcol_hl_flag
  # ifdef FEAT_SYN_HL
                            && !(wp->w_p_cul && lnum == wp->w_cursor.lnum
                                    && !(wp == curwin && VIsual_active))
*** 5644,5673 ****
                if (area_attr == 0)
!                   /* Use attributes from match with highest priority among
!                    * 'search_hl' and the match list. */
!                   cur = wp->w_match_head;
!                   shl_flag = FALSE;
!                   while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
!                   {
!                       if (shl_flag == FALSE
!                               && ((cur != NULL
!                                       && cur->priority > SEARCH_HL_PRIORITY)
!                                   || cur == NULL))
!                       {
!                           shl = &search_hl;
!                           shl_flag = TRUE;
!                           if (screen_line_flags & SLF_POPUP)
!                               continue;  // do not use search_hl
!                       }
!                       else
!                           shl = &cur->hl;
!                       if ((ptr - line) - 1 == (long)shl->startcol
!                               && (shl == &search_hl || !shl->is_addpos))
!                           char_attr = shl->attr;
!                       if (shl != &search_hl && cur != NULL)
!                           cur = cur->next;
!                   }
                ScreenAttrs[off] = char_attr;
--- 5438,5447 ----
                if (area_attr == 0)
!                   // Use attributes from match with highest priority among
!                   // 'search_hl' and the match list.
!                   get_search_match_hl(wp, &search_hl,
!                                              (long)(ptr - line), &char_attr);
                ScreenAttrs[off] = char_attr;
*** 7892,8214 ****
        search_hl.rm.regprog = NULL;
- /*
-  * Init for calling prepare_search_hl().
-  */
-     static void
- init_search_hl(win_T *wp)
- {
-     matchitem_T *cur;
-     /* Setup for match and 'hlsearch' highlighting.  Disable any previous
-      * match */
-     cur = wp->w_match_head;
-     while (cur != NULL)
-     {
-       cur->hl.rm = cur->match;
-       if (cur->hlg_id == 0)
-           cur->hl.attr = 0;
-       else
-           cur->hl.attr = syn_id2attr(cur->hlg_id);
-       cur->hl.buf = wp->w_buffer;
-       cur->hl.lnum = 0;
-       cur->hl.first_lnum = 0;
- # ifdef FEAT_RELTIME
-       /* Set the time limit to 'redrawtime'. */
-       profile_setlimit(p_rdt, &(cur->;
- # endif
-       cur = cur->next;
-     }
-     search_hl.buf = wp->w_buffer;
-     search_hl.lnum = 0;
-     search_hl.first_lnum = 0;
-     /* time limit is set at the toplevel, for all windows */
- }
- /*
-  * Advance to the match in window "wp" line "lnum" or past it.
-  */
-     static void
- prepare_search_hl(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum)
- {
-     matchitem_T *cur;         /* points to the match list */
-     match_T   *shl;           /* points to search_hl or a match */
-     int               shl_flag;       /* flag to indicate whether search_hl
-                                  has been processed or not */
-     int               pos_inprogress; /* marks that position match search is
-                                  in progress */
-     int               n;
-     /*
-      * When using a multi-line pattern, start searching at the top
-      * of the window or just after a closed fold.
-      * Do this both for search_hl and the match list.
-      */
-     cur = wp->w_match_head;
-     shl_flag = FALSE;
-     while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
-     {
-       if (shl_flag == FALSE)
-       {
-           shl = &search_hl;
-           shl_flag = TRUE;
-       }
-       else
-           shl = &cur->hl;
-       if (shl->rm.regprog != NULL
-               && shl->lnum == 0
-               && re_multiline(shl->rm.regprog))
-       {
-           if (shl->first_lnum == 0)
-           {
- # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
-               for (shl->first_lnum = lnum;
-                          shl->first_lnum > wp->w_topline; --shl->first_lnum)
-                   if (hasFoldingWin(wp, shl->first_lnum - 1,
-                                                     NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL))
-                       break;
- # else
-               shl->first_lnum = wp->w_topline;
- # endif
-           }
-           if (cur != NULL)
-               cur->pos.cur = 0;
-           pos_inprogress = TRUE;
-           n = 0;
-           while (shl->first_lnum < lnum && (shl->rm.regprog != NULL
-                                         || (cur != NULL && pos_inprogress)))
-           {
-               next_search_hl(wp, shl, shl->first_lnum, (colnr_T)n,
-                                              shl == &search_hl ? NULL : cur);
-               pos_inprogress = cur == NULL || cur->pos.cur == 0
-                                                             ? FALSE : TRUE;
-               if (shl->lnum != 0)
-               {
-                   shl->first_lnum = shl->lnum
-                                   + shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum
-                                   - shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum;
-                   n = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                   ++shl->first_lnum;
-                   n = 0;
-               }
-           }
-       }
-       if (shl != &search_hl && cur != NULL)
-           cur = cur->next;
-     }
- }
- /*
-  * Search for a next 'hlsearch' or match.
-  * Uses shl->buf.
-  * Sets shl->lnum and shl->rm contents.
-  * Note: Assumes a previous match is always before "lnum", unless
-  * shl->lnum is zero.
-  * Careful: Any pointers for buffer lines will become invalid.
-  */
-     static void
- next_search_hl(
-     win_T         *win,
-     match_T       *shl,       /* points to search_hl or a match */
-     linenr_T      lnum,
-     colnr_T       mincol,     /* minimal column for a match */
-     matchitem_T           *cur)       /* to retrieve match positions if any */
- {
-     linenr_T  l;
-     colnr_T   matchcol;
-     long      nmatched;
-     int               save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
-     // for :{range}s/pat only highlight inside the range
-     if (lnum < search_first_line || lnum > search_last_line)
-     {
-       shl->lnum = 0;
-       return;
-     }
-     if (shl->lnum != 0)
-     {
-       /* Check for three situations:
-        * 1. If the "lnum" is below a previous match, start a new search.
-        * 2. If the previous match includes "mincol", use it.
-        * 3. Continue after the previous match.
-        */
-       l = shl->lnum + shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum - shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum;
-       if (lnum > l)
-           shl->lnum = 0;
-       else if (lnum < l || shl->rm.endpos[0].col > mincol)
-           return;
-     }
-     /*
-      * Repeat searching for a match until one is found that includes "mincol"
-      * or none is found in this line.
-      */
-     called_emsg = FALSE;
-     for (;;)
-     {
-       /* Stop searching after passing the time limit. */
-       if (profile_passed_limit(&(shl->tm)))
-       {
-           shl->lnum = 0;              /* no match found in time */
-           break;
-       }
- #endif
-       /* Three situations:
-        * 1. No useful previous match: search from start of line.
-        * 2. Not Vi compatible or empty match: continue at next character.
-        *    Break the loop if this is beyond the end of the line.
-        * 3. Vi compatible searching: continue at end of previous match.
-        */
-       if (shl->lnum == 0)
-           matchcol = 0;
-       else if (vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_SEARCH) == NULL
-               || (shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum == 0
-                   && shl->rm.endpos[0].col <= shl->rm.startpos[0].col))
-       {
-           char_u      *ml;
-           matchcol = shl->rm.startpos[0].col;
-           ml = ml_get_buf(shl->buf, lnum, FALSE) + matchcol;
-           if (*ml == NUL)
-           {
-               ++matchcol;
-               shl->lnum = 0;
-               break;
-           }
-           if (has_mbyte)
-               matchcol += mb_ptr2len(ml);
-           else
-               ++matchcol;
-       }
-       else
-           matchcol = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
-       shl->lnum = lnum;
-       if (shl->rm.regprog != NULL)
-       {
-           /* Remember whether shl->rm is using a copy of the regprog in
-            * cur->match. */
-           int regprog_is_copy = (shl != &search_hl && cur != NULL
-                               && shl == &cur->hl
-                               && cur->match.regprog == cur->hl.rm.regprog);
-           int timed_out = FALSE;
-           nmatched = vim_regexec_multi(&shl->rm, win, shl->buf, lnum,
-                   matchcol,
-                   &(shl->tm), &timed_out
- #else
-                   NULL, NULL
- #endif
-                   );
-           /* Copy the regprog, in case it got freed and recompiled. */
-           if (regprog_is_copy)
-               cur->match.regprog = cur->hl.rm.regprog;
-           if (called_emsg || got_int || timed_out)
-           {
-               /* Error while handling regexp: stop using this regexp. */
-               if (shl == &search_hl)
-               {
-                   /* don't free regprog in the match list, it's a copy */
-                   vim_regfree(shl->rm.regprog);
-                   set_no_hlsearch(TRUE);
-               }
-               shl->rm.regprog = NULL;
-               shl->lnum = 0;
-               got_int = FALSE;  /* avoid the "Type :quit to exit Vim"
-                                    message */
-               break;
-           }
-       }
-       else if (cur != NULL)
-           nmatched = next_search_hl_pos(shl, lnum, &(cur->pos), matchcol);
-       else
-           nmatched = 0;
-       if (nmatched == 0)
-       {
-           shl->lnum = 0;              /* no match found */
-           break;
-       }
-       if (shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum > 0
-               || shl->rm.startpos[0].col >= mincol
-               || nmatched > 1
-               || shl->rm.endpos[0].col > mincol)
-       {
-           shl->lnum += shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum;
-           break;                      /* useful match found */
-       }
-     }
-     // Restore called_emsg for assert_fails().
-     called_emsg = save_called_emsg;
- }
- /*
-  * If there is a match fill "shl" and return one.
-  * Return zero otherwise.
-  */
-     static int
- next_search_hl_pos(
-     match_T       *shl,       /* points to a match */
-     linenr_T      lnum,
-     posmatch_T            *posmatch,  /* match positions */
-     colnr_T       mincol)     /* minimal column for a match */
- {
-     int           i;
-     int           found = -1;
-     for (i = posmatch->cur; i < MAXPOSMATCH; i++)
-     {
-       llpos_T *pos = &posmatch->pos[i];
-       if (pos->lnum == 0)
-           break;
-       if (pos->len == 0 && pos->col < mincol)
-           continue;
-       if (pos->lnum == lnum)
-       {
-           if (found >= 0)
-           {
-               /* if this match comes before the one at "found" then swap
-                * them */
-               if (pos->col < posmatch->pos[found].col)
-               {
-                   llpos_T     tmp = *pos;
-                   *pos = posmatch->pos[found];
-                   posmatch->pos[found] = tmp;
-               }
-           }
-           else
-               found = i;
-       }
-     }
-     posmatch->cur = 0;
-     if (found >= 0)
-     {
-       colnr_T start = posmatch->pos[found].col == 0
-                                           ? 0 : posmatch->pos[found].col - 1;
-       colnr_T end = posmatch->pos[found].col == 0
-                                  ? MAXCOL : start + posmatch->pos[found].len;
-       shl->lnum = lnum;
-       shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum = 0;
-       shl->rm.startpos[0].col = start;
-       shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum = 0;
-       shl->rm.endpos[0].col = end;
-       shl->is_addpos = TRUE;
-       posmatch->cur = found + 1;
-       return 1;
-     }
-     return 0;
- }
        static void
--- 7666,7671 ----
*** ../vim-8.1.1742/src/highlight.c     2019-07-24 16:00:34.922180377 +0200
--- src/highlight.c     2019-07-24 18:05:21.093718407 +0200
*** 3657,3662 ****
--- 3657,3665 ----
  #if defined(FEAT_SEARCH_EXTRA) || defined(PROTO)
   * Add match to the match list of window 'wp'.  The pattern 'pat' will be
   * highlighted with the group 'grp' with priority 'prio'.
*** 3948,3954 ****
--- 3951,4560 ----
        cur = cur->next;
      return cur;
+ /*
+  * Init for calling prepare_search_hl().
+  */
+     void
+ init_search_hl(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl)
+ {
+     matchitem_T *cur;
+     /* Setup for match and 'hlsearch' highlighting.  Disable any previous
+      * match */
+     cur = wp->w_match_head;
+     while (cur != NULL)
+     {
+       cur->hl.rm = cur->match;
+       if (cur->hlg_id == 0)
+           cur->hl.attr = 0;
+       else
+           cur->hl.attr = syn_id2attr(cur->hlg_id);
+       cur->hl.buf = wp->w_buffer;
+       cur->hl.lnum = 0;
+       cur->hl.first_lnum = 0;
+ # ifdef FEAT_RELTIME
+       /* Set the time limit to 'redrawtime'. */
+       profile_setlimit(p_rdt, &(cur->;
+ # endif
+       cur = cur->next;
+     }
+     search_hl->buf = wp->w_buffer;
+     search_hl->lnum = 0;
+     search_hl->first_lnum = 0;
+     /* time limit is set at the toplevel, for all windows */
+ }
+ /*
+  * If there is a match fill "shl" and return one.
+  * Return zero otherwise.
+  */
+     static int
+ next_search_hl_pos(
+     match_T       *shl,       /* points to a match */
+     linenr_T      lnum,
+     posmatch_T            *posmatch,  /* match positions */
+     colnr_T       mincol)     /* minimal column for a match */
+ {
+     int           i;
+     int           found = -1;
+     for (i = posmatch->cur; i < MAXPOSMATCH; i++)
+     {
+       llpos_T *pos = &posmatch->pos[i];
+       if (pos->lnum == 0)
+           break;
+       if (pos->len == 0 && pos->col < mincol)
+           continue;
+       if (pos->lnum == lnum)
+       {
+           if (found >= 0)
+           {
+               /* if this match comes before the one at "found" then swap
+                * them */
+               if (pos->col < posmatch->pos[found].col)
+               {
+                   llpos_T     tmp = *pos;
+                   *pos = posmatch->pos[found];
+                   posmatch->pos[found] = tmp;
+               }
+           }
+           else
+               found = i;
+       }
+     }
+     posmatch->cur = 0;
+     if (found >= 0)
+     {
+       colnr_T start = posmatch->pos[found].col == 0
+                                           ? 0 : posmatch->pos[found].col - 1;
+       colnr_T end = posmatch->pos[found].col == 0
+                                  ? MAXCOL : start + posmatch->pos[found].len;
+       shl->lnum = lnum;
+       shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum = 0;
+       shl->rm.startpos[0].col = start;
+       shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum = 0;
+       shl->rm.endpos[0].col = end;
+       shl->is_addpos = TRUE;
+       posmatch->cur = found + 1;
+       return 1;
+     }
+     return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Search for a next 'hlsearch' or match.
+  * Uses shl->buf.
+  * Sets shl->lnum and shl->rm contents.
+  * Note: Assumes a previous match is always before "lnum", unless
+  * shl->lnum is zero.
+  * Careful: Any pointers for buffer lines will become invalid.
+  */
+     static void
+ next_search_hl(
+     win_T         *win,
+     match_T       *search_hl,
+     match_T       *shl,       // points to search_hl or a match
+     linenr_T      lnum,
+     colnr_T       mincol,     // minimal column for a match
+     matchitem_T           *cur)       // to retrieve match positions if any
+ {
+     linenr_T  l;
+     colnr_T   matchcol;
+     long      nmatched;
+     int               save_called_emsg = called_emsg;
+     // for :{range}s/pat only highlight inside the range
+     if (lnum < search_first_line || lnum > search_last_line)
+     {
+       shl->lnum = 0;
+       return;
+     }
+     if (shl->lnum != 0)
+     {
+       /* Check for three situations:
+        * 1. If the "lnum" is below a previous match, start a new search.
+        * 2. If the previous match includes "mincol", use it.
+        * 3. Continue after the previous match.
+        */
+       l = shl->lnum + shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum - shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum;
+       if (lnum > l)
+           shl->lnum = 0;
+       else if (lnum < l || shl->rm.endpos[0].col > mincol)
+           return;
+     }
+     /*
+      * Repeat searching for a match until one is found that includes "mincol"
+      * or none is found in this line.
+      */
+     called_emsg = FALSE;
+     for (;;)
+     {
+ # ifdef FEAT_RELTIME
+       /* Stop searching after passing the time limit. */
+       if (profile_passed_limit(&(shl->tm)))
+       {
+           shl->lnum = 0;              /* no match found in time */
+           break;
+       }
+ # endif
+       /* Three situations:
+        * 1. No useful previous match: search from start of line.
+        * 2. Not Vi compatible or empty match: continue at next character.
+        *    Break the loop if this is beyond the end of the line.
+        * 3. Vi compatible searching: continue at end of previous match.
+        */
+       if (shl->lnum == 0)
+           matchcol = 0;
+       else if (vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_SEARCH) == NULL
+               || (shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum == 0
+                   && shl->rm.endpos[0].col <= shl->rm.startpos[0].col))
+       {
+           char_u      *ml;
+           matchcol = shl->rm.startpos[0].col;
+           ml = ml_get_buf(shl->buf, lnum, FALSE) + matchcol;
+           if (*ml == NUL)
+           {
+               ++matchcol;
+               shl->lnum = 0;
+               break;
+           }
+           if (has_mbyte)
+               matchcol += mb_ptr2len(ml);
+           else
+               ++matchcol;
+       }
+       else
+           matchcol = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
+       shl->lnum = lnum;
+       if (shl->rm.regprog != NULL)
+       {
+           /* Remember whether shl->rm is using a copy of the regprog in
+            * cur->match. */
+           int regprog_is_copy = (shl != search_hl && cur != NULL
+                               && shl == &cur->hl
+                               && cur->match.regprog == cur->hl.rm.regprog);
+           int timed_out = FALSE;
+           nmatched = vim_regexec_multi(&shl->rm, win, shl->buf, lnum,
+                   matchcol,
+                   &(shl->tm), &timed_out
+ #else
+                   NULL, NULL
+                   );
+           /* Copy the regprog, in case it got freed and recompiled. */
+           if (regprog_is_copy)
+               cur->match.regprog = cur->hl.rm.regprog;
+           if (called_emsg || got_int || timed_out)
+           {
+               /* Error while handling regexp: stop using this regexp. */
+               if (shl == search_hl)
+               {
+                   /* don't free regprog in the match list, it's a copy */
+                   vim_regfree(shl->rm.regprog);
+                   set_no_hlsearch(TRUE);
+               }
+               shl->rm.regprog = NULL;
+               shl->lnum = 0;
+               got_int = FALSE;  /* avoid the "Type :quit to exit Vim"
+                                    message */
+               break;
+           }
+       }
+       else if (cur != NULL)
+           nmatched = next_search_hl_pos(shl, lnum, &(cur->pos), matchcol);
+       else
+           nmatched = 0;
+       if (nmatched == 0)
+       {
+           shl->lnum = 0;              /* no match found */
+           break;
+       }
+       if (shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum > 0
+               || shl->rm.startpos[0].col >= mincol
+               || nmatched > 1
+               || shl->rm.endpos[0].col > mincol)
+       {
+           shl->lnum += shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum;
+           break;                      /* useful match found */
+       }
+     }
+     // Restore called_emsg for assert_fails().
+     called_emsg = save_called_emsg;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Advance to the match in window "wp" line "lnum" or past it.
+  */
+     void
+ prepare_search_hl(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl, linenr_T lnum)
+ {
+     matchitem_T *cur;         /* points to the match list */
+     match_T   *shl;           /* points to search_hl or a match */
+     int               shl_flag;       /* flag to indicate whether search_hl
+                                  has been processed or not */
+     int               pos_inprogress; /* marks that position match search is
+                                  in progress */
+     int               n;
+     /*
+      * When using a multi-line pattern, start searching at the top
+      * of the window or just after a closed fold.
+      * Do this both for search_hl and the match list.
+      */
+     cur = wp->w_match_head;
+     shl_flag = WIN_IS_POPUP(wp);  // skip search_hl in a popup window
+     while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
+     {
+       if (shl_flag == FALSE)
+       {
+           shl = search_hl;
+           shl_flag = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+           shl = &cur->hl;
+       if (shl->rm.regprog != NULL
+               && shl->lnum == 0
+               && re_multiline(shl->rm.regprog))
+       {
+           if (shl->first_lnum == 0)
+           {
+ # ifdef FEAT_FOLDING
+               for (shl->first_lnum = lnum;
+                          shl->first_lnum > wp->w_topline; --shl->first_lnum)
+                   if (hasFoldingWin(wp, shl->first_lnum - 1,
+                                                     NULL, NULL, TRUE, NULL))
+                       break;
+ # else
+               shl->first_lnum = wp->w_topline;
+ # endif
+           }
+           if (cur != NULL)
+               cur->pos.cur = 0;
+           pos_inprogress = TRUE;
+           n = 0;
+           while (shl->first_lnum < lnum && (shl->rm.regprog != NULL
+                                         || (cur != NULL && pos_inprogress)))
+           {
+               next_search_hl(wp, search_hl, shl, shl->first_lnum, (colnr_T)n,
+                                              shl == search_hl ? NULL : cur);
+               pos_inprogress = cur == NULL || cur->pos.cur == 0
+                                                             ? FALSE : TRUE;
+               if (shl->lnum != 0)
+               {
+                   shl->first_lnum = shl->lnum
+                                   + shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum
+                                   - shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum;
+                   n = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                   ++shl->first_lnum;
+                   n = 0;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       if (shl != search_hl && cur != NULL)
+           cur = cur->next;
+     }
+ }
+ /*
+  * Prepare for 'hlsearch' and match highlighting in one window line.
+  * Return TRUE if there is such highlighting and set "search_attr" to the
+  * current highlight attribute.
+  */
+     int
+ prepare_search_hl_line(
+       win_T       *wp,
+       linenr_T    lnum,
+       colnr_T     mincol,
+       char_u      **line,
+       match_T     *search_hl,
+       int         *search_attr)
+ {
+     matchitem_T *cur;                 // points to the match list
+     match_T   *shl;                   // points to search_hl or a match
+     int               shl_flag;               // flag to indicate whether 
+                                       // has been processed or not
+     int               area_highlighting = FALSE;
+     /*
+      * Handle highlighting the last used search pattern and matches.
+      * Do this for both search_hl and the match list.
+      * Do not use search_hl in a popup window.
+      */
+     cur = wp->w_match_head;
+     shl_flag = WIN_IS_POPUP(wp);
+     while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
+     {
+       if (shl_flag == FALSE)
+       {
+           shl = search_hl;
+           shl_flag = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+           shl = &cur->hl;
+       shl->startcol = MAXCOL;
+       shl->endcol = MAXCOL;
+       shl->attr_cur = 0;
+       shl->is_addpos = FALSE;
+       if (cur != NULL)
+           cur->pos.cur = 0;
+       next_search_hl(wp, search_hl, shl, lnum, mincol,
+                                               shl == search_hl ? NULL : cur);
+       // Need to get the line again, a multi-line regexp may have made it
+       // invalid.
+       *line = ml_get_buf(wp->w_buffer, lnum, FALSE);
+       if (shl->lnum != 0 && shl->lnum <= lnum)
+       {
+           if (shl->lnum == lnum)
+               shl->startcol = shl->rm.startpos[0].col;
+           else
+               shl->startcol = 0;
+           if (lnum == shl->lnum + shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum
+                                               - shl->rm.startpos[0].lnum)
+               shl->endcol = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
+           else
+               shl->endcol = MAXCOL;
+           // Highlight one character for an empty match.
+           if (shl->startcol == shl->endcol)
+           {
+               if (has_mbyte && (*line)[shl->endcol] != NUL)
+                   shl->endcol += (*mb_ptr2len)((*line) + shl->endcol);
+               else
+                   ++shl->endcol;
+           }
+           if ((long)shl->startcol < mincol)  /* match at leftcol */
+           {
+               shl->attr_cur = shl->attr;
+               *search_attr = shl->attr;
+           }
+           area_highlighting = TRUE;
+       }
+       if (shl != search_hl && cur != NULL)
+           cur = cur->next;
+     }
+     return area_highlighting;
+ }
+ /*
+  * For a position in a line: Check for start/end of 'hlsearch' and other
+  * matches.
+  * After end, check for start/end of next match.
+  * When another match, have to check for start again.
+  * Watch out for matching an empty string!
+  * Return the udpated search_attr.
+  */
+     int
+ update_search_hl(
+       win_T       *wp,
+       linenr_T    lnum,
+       colnr_T     col,
+       char_u      **line,
+       match_T     *search_hl,
+       int         *has_match_conc,
+       int         *match_conc,
+       int         did_line_attr,
+       int         lcs_eol_one)
+ {
+     matchitem_T *cur;             // points to the match list
+     match_T   *shl;               // points to search_hl or a match
+     int               shl_flag;           // flag to indicate whether 
+                                   // has been processed or not
+     int               pos_inprogress;     // marks that position match search 
is in
+                                   // progress
+     int               search_attr = 0;
+     // Do this for 'search_hl' and the match list (ordered by priority).
+     cur = wp->w_match_head;
+     shl_flag = WIN_IS_POPUP(wp);
+     while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
+     {
+       if (shl_flag == FALSE
+               && ((cur != NULL
+                       && cur->priority > SEARCH_HL_PRIORITY)
+                   || cur == NULL))
+       {
+           shl = search_hl;
+           shl_flag = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+           shl = &cur->hl;
+       if (cur != NULL)
+           cur->pos.cur = 0;
+       pos_inprogress = TRUE;
+       while (shl->rm.regprog != NULL || (cur != NULL && pos_inprogress))
+       {
+           if (shl->startcol != MAXCOL
+                   && col >= shl->startcol
+                   && col < shl->endcol)
+           {
+               int next_col = col + MB_PTR2LEN(*line + col);
+               if (shl->endcol < next_col)
+                   shl->endcol = next_col;
+               shl->attr_cur = shl->attr;
+ # ifdef FEAT_CONCEAL
+               // Match with the "Conceal" group results in hiding
+               // the match.
+               if (cur != NULL
+                       && shl != search_hl
+                       && syn_name2id((char_u *)"Conceal") == cur->hlg_id)
+               {
+                   *has_match_conc = col == shl->startcol ? 2 : 1;
+                   *match_conc = cur->conceal_char;
+               }
+               else
+                   *has_match_conc = *match_conc = 0;
+ # endif
+           }
+           else if (col == shl->endcol)
+           {
+               shl->attr_cur = 0;
+               next_search_hl(wp, search_hl, shl, lnum, col,
+                                              shl == search_hl ? NULL : cur);
+               pos_inprogress = !(cur == NULL || cur->pos.cur == 0);
+               // Need to get the line again, a multi-line regexp may have
+               // made it invalid.
+               *line = ml_get_buf(wp->w_buffer, lnum, FALSE);
+               if (shl->lnum == lnum)
+               {
+                   shl->startcol = shl->rm.startpos[0].col;
+                   if (shl->rm.endpos[0].lnum == 0)
+                       shl->endcol = shl->rm.endpos[0].col;
+                   else
+                       shl->endcol = MAXCOL;
+                   if (shl->startcol == shl->endcol)
+                   {
+                       /* highlight empty match, try again after
+                        * it */
+                       if (has_mbyte)
+                           shl->endcol += (*mb_ptr2len)(*line + shl->endcol);
+                       else
+                           ++shl->endcol;
+                   }
+                   /* Loop to check if the match starts at the
+                    * current position */
+                   continue;
+               }
+           }
+           break;
+       }
+       if (shl != search_hl && cur != NULL)
+           cur = cur->next;
+     }
+     // Use attributes from match with highest priority among 'search_hl' and
+     // the match list.
+     cur = wp->w_match_head;
+     shl_flag = WIN_IS_POPUP(wp);
+     while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
+     {
+       if (shl_flag == FALSE
+               && ((cur != NULL
+                       && cur->priority > SEARCH_HL_PRIORITY)
+                   || cur == NULL))
+       {
+           shl = search_hl;
+           shl_flag = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+           shl = &cur->hl;
+       if (shl->attr_cur != 0)
+           search_attr = shl->attr_cur;
+       if (shl != search_hl && cur != NULL)
+           cur = cur->next;
+     }
+     /* Only highlight one character after the last column. */
+     if (*(*line + col) == NUL && (did_line_attr >= 1
+                                      || (wp->w_p_list && lcs_eol_one == -1)))
+       search_attr = 0;
+     return search_attr;
+ }
+     int
+ get_prevcol_hl_flag(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl, long curcol)
+ {
+     long      prevcol = curcol;
+     int               prevcol_hl_flag = FALSE;
+     matchitem_T *cur;                 // points to the match list
+     // we're not really at that column when skipping some text
+     if ((long)(wp->w_p_wrap ? wp->w_skipcol : wp->w_leftcol) > prevcol)
+       ++prevcol;
+     if (!search_hl->is_addpos && prevcol == (long)search_hl->startcol)
+       prevcol_hl_flag = TRUE;
+     else
+     {
+       cur = wp->w_match_head;
+       while (cur != NULL)
+       {
+           if (!cur->hl.is_addpos && prevcol == (long)cur->hl.startcol)
+           {
+               prevcol_hl_flag = TRUE;
+               break;
+           }
+           cur = cur->next;
+       }
+     }
+     return prevcol_hl_flag;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Get highlighting for the char after the text in "char_attr" from 'hlsearch'
+  * or match highlighting.
+  */
+     void
+ get_search_match_hl(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl, long col, int *char_attr)
+ {
+     matchitem_T *cur;                 // points to the match list
+     match_T   *shl;                   // points to search_hl or a match
+     int               shl_flag;               // flag to indicate whether 
+                                       // has been processed or not
+     cur = wp->w_match_head;
+     shl_flag = WIN_IS_POPUP(wp);
+     while (cur != NULL || shl_flag == FALSE)
+     {
+       if (shl_flag == FALSE
+               && ((cur != NULL
+                       && cur->priority > SEARCH_HL_PRIORITY)
+                   || cur == NULL))
+       {
+           shl = search_hl;
+           shl_flag = TRUE;
+       }
+       else
+           shl = &cur->hl;
+       if (col - 1 == (long)shl->startcol
+               && (shl == search_hl || !shl->is_addpos))
+           *char_attr = shl->attr;
+       if (shl != search_hl && cur != NULL)
+           cur = cur->next;
+     }
+ }
  #if defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(PROTO)
*** ../vim-8.1.1742/src/proto/     2019-07-24 16:00:34.922180377 
--- src/proto/     2019-07-24 17:56:47.031836041 +0200
*** 44,49 ****
--- 44,55 ----
  char_u *get_highlight_name_ext(expand_T *xp, int idx, int skip_cleared);
  void free_highlight_fonts(void);
  void clear_matches(win_T *wp);
+ void init_search_hl(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl);
+ void prepare_search_hl(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl, linenr_T lnum);
+ int prepare_search_hl_line(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T mincol, char_u 
**line, match_T *search_hl, int *search_attr);
+ int update_search_hl(win_T *wp, linenr_T lnum, colnr_T col, char_u **line, 
match_T *search_hl, int *has_match_conc, int *match_conc, int did_line_attr, 
int lcs_eol_one);
+ int get_prevcol_hl_flag(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl, long curcol);
+ void get_search_match_hl(win_T *wp, match_T *search_hl, long col, int 
  void f_clearmatches(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  void f_getmatches(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
  void f_setmatches(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv);
*** ../vim-8.1.1742/src/version.c       2019-07-24 16:00:34.926180368 +0200
--- src/version.c       2019-07-24 17:47:04.217884908 +0200
*** 779,780 ****
--- 779,782 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1743,

BODY:        I'm not dead!
CART DRIVER: 'Ere.  He says he's not dead.
LARGE MAN:   Yes he is.
BODY:        I'm not!
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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