Patch 8.1.1963
Problem:    Popup window filter may be called recursively when using a Normal
            mode command. (Nick Jensen)
Solution:   Prevent recursiveness. (closes #4887)  Also restore KeyTyped.
Files:      src/popupwin.c, src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim

*** ../vim-8.1.1962/src/popupwin.c      2019-09-01 17:38:05.332455200 +0200
--- src/popupwin.c      2019-09-01 23:22:46.447977386 +0200
*** 2764,2771 ****
--- 2764,2777 ----
  popup_do_filter(int c)
+     static int        recursive = FALSE;
      int               res = FALSE;
      win_T     *wp;
+     int               save_KeyTyped = KeyTyped;
+     if (recursive)
+       return FALSE;
+     recursive = TRUE;
*** 2776,2788 ****
        wp = mouse_find_win(&row, &col, FIND_POPUP);
        if (wp != NULL && popup_close_if_on_X(wp, row, col))
!           return TRUE;
      while (!res && (wp = find_next_popup(FALSE)) != NULL)
        if (wp->w_filter_cb.cb_name != NULL)
            res = invoke_popup_filter(wp, c);
      return res;
--- 2782,2796 ----
        wp = mouse_find_win(&row, &col, FIND_POPUP);
        if (wp != NULL && popup_close_if_on_X(wp, row, col))
!           res = TRUE;
      while (!res && (wp = find_next_popup(FALSE)) != NULL)
        if (wp->w_filter_cb.cb_name != NULL)
            res = invoke_popup_filter(wp, c);
+     recursive = FALSE;
+     KeyTyped = save_KeyTyped;
      return res;
*** ../vim-8.1.1962/src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim       2019-09-01 
17:38:05.332455200 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_popupwin.vim       2019-09-01 23:07:20.396364772 +0200
*** 1919,1924 ****
--- 1919,1949 ----
    call delete('XsomeFile')
+ func Test_popupwin_with_buffer_and_filter()
+   new Xwithfilter
+   call setline(1, range(100))
+   let bufnr = bufnr()
+   hide
+   func BufferFilter(win, key)
+     if a:key == 'G'
+       " recursive use of "G" does not cause problems.
+       call win_execute(a:win, 'normal! G')
+       return 1
+     endif
+     return 0
+   endfunc
+   let winid = popup_create(bufnr, #{maxheight: 5, filter: 'BufferFilter'})
+   call assert_equal(1, popup_getpos(winid).firstline)
+   redraw
+   call feedkeys("G", 'xt')
+   call assert_equal(99, popup_getpos(winid).firstline)
+   call popup_close(winid)
+   exe 'bwipe! ' .. bufnr
+ endfunc
  func Test_popupwin_width()
    let winid = popup_create(repeat(['short', 'long long long line', 'medium 
width'], 50), #{
        \ maxwidth: 40,
*** ../vim-8.1.1962/src/version.c       2019-09-01 20:21:53.070152262 +0200
--- src/version.c       2019-09-01 23:26:31.570908613 +0200
*** 763,764 ****
--- 763,766 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1963,

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