
I have set LANG to "en_US.UTF-8" in my environment. But when I launch gvim
and it comes to creating menus, the menu.vim script ends up executing
translations for UK English.

The reason seems to be the fact, that there is no lang/en_us.utf-8.vim
translation script shipped with Vim. So when menu.vim fails to find
translation for lang/menu_en_us*.vim filename pattern it throws away the "
_en.utf-8" suffix from it and accepts whatever flavour of "en" language
which happens to be the one for "en_gb" by default.

It's not a big deal. And I know that I can set langmenu to 'none' in my
.vimrc to work around the issue. But I think it would do no harm to include
a dummy menu_en_us.utf-8.vim file (or it's latin1 variation) in the default
vim runtime files. Or modify the menu.vim script to skip doing translations
in case of "en_US" v:lang. All US users would benefit from it.

What do you think?


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