On Monday, January 20, 2020 at 6:22:18 PM UTC+1, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > > then the Ctrl-C can mean "interrupt what is going on right now"
> >
> > Yes, where "going on right now" is from the user's perspective.
> > Because even in this state Vim is still responsive to `govim` sending
> > it messages. i.e. we only want to cancel the `ch_evalexpr` that
> > resulted from the command (which in this case was `:w`)
> >
> > > Does that mean to give up on this request
> >
> > I think so, yes. Because my hope is that we will be able to tidy up
> > sufficiently on the `govim` side to not require a restart.
> >
> > > or close the channel
> >
> > I don't think we need this. Because that means restarting `govim`, and
> > that might well not be necessary.
> >
> > We might still want to have a `GOVIMRestart` command which does close
> > the channel, tidy up and restart... but I think that's somewhat
> > orthogonal to what we need in this case.
> >
> > Either way we will have to make sure we tidy up state etc after the
> > cancel, just in case certain events didn't get handled etc. This is,
> > perhaps, an argument somewhat more in favour of closing the channel
> > and starting from scratch now that I come to think about it.
> >
> > Does interrupting the request feel like a good starting point for you?
> Interrupting the blocking wait sounds doable. But the implementation
> isn't that simple. I guess the wait happens in channel_wait(), which
> uses select() to wait for something to read or write. Handling keyboard
> here would not work. So we might have to break up the timeout in 100
> msec parts, then check for CTRL-C typed, then back to waiting.

I am not sure how portable it would be but can't the signal handler be
configured in such a way that it lets the select() fail with EINTR after it
catches the SIGINT for CTRL-C?

That way it wouldn't be necessary to break the waiting each 100 msec to check
for CTRL-C and loop if none has come.


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