I upgraded from Kubuntu 19.10 to 20.04.  gvim now has an annoying ~600 ms 
delay on starting, which --startuptime says occurs at "starting GUI".  On 
19.10 the delay is ~140 ms.    This applies to all the recent versions of 
gvim I've tried up to 8.2.683, with --clean, -u NONE -U NONE, even running 
the exact same executable: gvim  built on 20.04 running on 19.10 does not 
have the delay, gvim built on 19.10 running on 20.04 does.  Applying set 
go= in .vimrc doesn't help.

After installing vim-gtk3 from the respective repositories, some 8.1 
version, the delay does not occur booted to a live iso of Ubuntu 20.04, nor 
Xubuntu 20.04.  It does booted to the Kubuntu live iso.  These findings 
also apply to running the vim built on Kubuntu 20.04, booted from the isos, 
except that the delay on Xubuntu is only 80 ms. 

So this seems to be a KDE plasma problem.  Does anyone with KDE plasma 
5.18.4, or 5.18, on another distro see this?  

What might be the cause of this?

Regards, John Little

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