Tony Mechelynck wrote:
On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 9:40 PM Charles Campbell <> wrote:

I seem to have a problem doing git pull:

      fatal: Not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /home)
      Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM
not set).

Fortunately git clone works, but that's a
lot more work.

Any suggestions on how to fix the git pull?
Chip Campbell
This kind of error happens when you aren't in the right repository:
ideally, the current repository should be, not the one which was
current when you cloned the master repo, but the one below that, which
you created by the clone operation and which contains subdirectories
src/ runtime/ etc. and IIUC .git/

I've had the equivalent error on Mercurial in the past. Usually a cd
to the appropriate top-of-the-clone directory fixed it.

If you are absolutely sure that you were in the _immediate_ parent of
src/ runtime/ .git/ etc. then I don't know.

Best regards,

Thanks! -- my script which I run to do the updating (which included git pull) was, as you surmised, going to the wrong directory. Seems fixed now!

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