Patch 8.2.1066
Problem:    Lua arrays are zero based.
Solution:   Make Lua arrays one based. (Prabir Shrestha, closes #6347)
            Note: this is not backwards compatible.
Files:      runtime/doc/if_lua.txt, src/if_lua.c, src/testdir/test_lua.vim

*** ../vim-8.2.1065/runtime/doc/if_lua.txt      2020-06-25 19:27:53.032387614 
--- runtime/doc/if_lua.txt      2020-06-27 12:29:15.345494160 +0200
*** 217,227 ****
  Lua are reflected in Vim and vice-versa. A list "l" has the following
  properties and methods:
        o "#l" is the number of items in list "l", equivalent to "len(l)"
            in Vim.
!       o "l[k]" returns the k-th item in "l"; "l" is zero-indexed, as in Vim.
            To modify the k-th item, simply do "l[k] = newitem"; in
            particular, "l[k] = nil" removes the k-th item from "l".
        o "l()" returns an iterator for "l".
--- 217,231 ----
  Lua are reflected in Vim and vice-versa. A list "l" has the following
  properties and methods:
+ NOTE: In patch 8.2.1066 array indexes were changed from zero-based to
+ one-based.  You can check with: >
+           if has("patch-8.2.1066")
        o "#l" is the number of items in list "l", equivalent to "len(l)"
            in Vim.
!       o "l[k]" returns the k-th item in "l"; "l" is one-indexed, as in Lua.
            To modify the k-th item, simply do "l[k] = newitem"; in
            particular, "l[k] = nil" removes the k-th item from "l".
        o "l()" returns an iterator for "l".
*** 237,247 ****
        :let l = [1, 'item']
        :lua l = vim.eval('l') -- same 'l'
        :lua l:add(vim.list())
!       :lua l[0] = math.pi
        :echo l[0] " 3.141593
!       :lua l[0] = nil -- remove first item
        :lua l:insert(true, 1)
!       :lua print(l, #l, l[0], l[1], l[-1])
        :lua for item in l() do print(item) end
--- 241,251 ----
        :let l = [1, 'item']
        :lua l = vim.eval('l') -- same 'l'
        :lua l:add(vim.list())
!       :lua l[1] = math.pi
        :echo l[0] " 3.141593
!       :lua l[1] = nil -- remove first item
        :lua l:insert(true, 1)
!       :lua print(l, #l, l[1], l[2])
        :lua for item in l() do print(item) end
*** ../vim-8.2.1065/src/if_lua.c        2020-06-25 20:56:38.723128804 +0200
--- src/if_lua.c        2020-06-27 12:32:22.164244827 +0200
*** 871,877 ****
      list_T *l = luaV_unbox(L, luaV_List, 1);
      if (lua_isnumber(L, 2)) // list item?
!       listitem_T *li = list_find(l, (long) luaL_checkinteger(L, 2));
        if (li == NULL)
--- 871,883 ----
      list_T *l = luaV_unbox(L, luaV_List, 1);
      if (lua_isnumber(L, 2)) // list item?
!       long n = (long) luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
!       listitem_T *li;
!       // Lua array index starts with 1 while Vim uses 0, subtract 1 to
!       // normalize.
!       n -= 1;
!       li = list_find(l, n);
        if (li == NULL)
*** 900,905 ****
--- 906,915 ----
      list_T *l = luaV_unbox(L, luaV_List, 1);
      long n = (long) luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
      listitem_T *li;
+     // Lua array index starts with 1 while Vim uses 0, subtract 1 to 
+     n -= 1;
      if (l->lv_lock)
        luaL_error(L, "list is locked");
      li = list_find(l, n);
*** ../vim-8.2.1065/src/testdir/test_lua.vim    2020-06-25 19:27:53.036387595 
--- src/testdir/test_lua.vim    2020-06-27 12:24:13.893946785 +0200
*** 327,334 ****
    call assert_equal(7, luaeval('#l'))
    call assert_match('^list: \%(0x\)\?\x\+$', luaeval('tostring(l)'))
!   lua l[0] = 124
!   lua l[5] = nil
    lua l:insert('first')
    lua l:insert('xx', 3)
    call assert_equal(['first', 124, 'abc', 'xx', v:true, v:false, v:null, 
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}], l)
--- 327,334 ----
    call assert_equal(7, luaeval('#l'))
    call assert_match('^list: \%(0x\)\?\x\+$', luaeval('tostring(l)'))
!   lua l[1] = 124
!   lua l[6] = nil
    lua l:insert('first')
    lua l:insert('xx', 3)
    call assert_equal(['first', 124, 'abc', 'xx', v:true, v:false, v:null, 
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}], l)
*** 367,388 ****
    lua l = vim.list():add(1):add(2)
    lua l = l:add(l)
!   call assert_equal(1, luaeval('l[0]'))
!   call assert_equal(2, luaeval('l[1]'))
!   call assert_equal(1, luaeval('l[2][0]'))
!   call assert_equal(2, luaeval('l[2][1]'))
!   call assert_equal(1, luaeval('l[2][2][0]'))
!   call assert_equal(2, luaeval('l[2][2][1]'))
    call assert_equal('[1, 2, [...]]', string(luaeval('l')))
    call assert_match('^list: \%(0x\)\?\x\+$', luaeval('tostring(l)'))
!   call assert_equal(luaeval('tostring(l)'), luaeval('tostring(l[2])'))
!   call assert_equal(luaeval('l'), luaeval('l[2]'))
!   call assert_equal(luaeval('l'), luaeval('l[2][2]'))
    lua l = nil
--- 367,388 ----
    lua l = vim.list():add(1):add(2)
    lua l = l:add(l)
!   call assert_equal(1, luaeval('l[1]'))
!   call assert_equal(2, luaeval('l[2]'))
!   call assert_equal(1, luaeval('l[3][1]'))
!   call assert_equal(2, luaeval('l[3][2]'))
!   call assert_equal(1, luaeval('l[3][3][1]'))
!   call assert_equal(2, luaeval('l[3][3][2]'))
    call assert_equal('[1, 2, [...]]', string(luaeval('l')))
    call assert_match('^list: \%(0x\)\?\x\+$', luaeval('tostring(l)'))
!   call assert_equal(luaeval('tostring(l)'), luaeval('tostring(l[3])'))
!   call assert_equal(luaeval('l'), luaeval('l[3]'))
!   call assert_equal(luaeval('l'), luaeval('l[3][3]'))
    lua l = nil
*** ../vim-8.2.1065/src/version.c       2020-06-26 22:46:23.233370940 +0200
--- src/version.c       2020-06-27 12:26:55.106969903 +0200
*** 756,757 ****
--- 756,759 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     1066,

"I know that there are people who don't love their fellow man,
and I hate those people!" - Tom Lehrer

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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